Today’s Golfer UK — December 2017

(ff) #1



Korean legend K J Choi is an eight-time PGA Tour winner

‘I like watching

Simon Cowell in

America’s Got

Talent. He’s very


1 How old were you when you first
broke par?
I started playing golf aged 15 and managed
to achieve this feat two years later.

2 Highlight of your career so far?
There have been many great moments, but
scoring an eagle at the 11th hole on the
Sunday at the 2004 Masters stands out.

3 Best shot to date?
It has to be the same as above, when I fired
a 5-iron into the 11th green at Augusta and
became only the sixth player to achieve an
eagle there.

4 One mulligan you could have?
I was tied for the lead at the 2009 Masters,
but came badly unstuck after finding the left
greenside bunker with my second shot at
the 13th.

5 Favourite hole?
Like many players, I will have to choose
Augusta National’s par-3 12th. It’s both
beautiful and memorable.

6 Favourite course in UK?
It would have to be Muirfield, a great
links course.

7 Favourite course worldwide.
Tough question. I’ve played so
many, but probably none better
than Royal Melbourne in

8 Best scenery in golf?
Old Head in Co Cork, Ireland. It sits high on
the cliffs and is spectacular.

9 Favourite club?
My 7-iron – it has been so reliable and I am
always confident with it in my hands.

10 Best mate on Tour?
Tiger Woods... and I hope to see him back
and well very soon.

11 Favourite sports team?
Liverpool FC.

12 Sportsman you look up to or admire?
In my sport, it has to be Jack Nicklaus.

13 And sportswoman?
Serena Williams, who has dominated
women’s tennis for so long.

14 All-time favourite movie?
I like action movies and, for me, the best is
Rambo starring Sylvester Stallone.

15 Not-to-be missed TV show?
I like watching Simon Cowell in America’s
Got Talent. He’s very entertaining.

16 Favourite musician/band?
I enjoy my music and especially listening to
Michael Jackson.

17 Favourite holiday destination?
I like Guam in the western Pacific very much
and would love to visit Greece in the future.

18 Who would be in your dream celebrity
President Trump, my long-time caddie Andy
Prodger and my son Daniel.

19 Who would be in your dream Tour
fourball (past or present players)?
Gary Woodland, Charlie Wi and Billy

20 Any superstitions?
Before I play a shot, I twist my club around
as part of my routine.
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