Today’s Golfer UK — December 2017

(ff) #1



Fault: Poor balance... at set-up and
during the swing
Fix: Squat – and use balls to help

Balance doesn’t get talked about too
much, but it could easily be considered

one of golf’s true fundamentals. It is
certainly one of the few common
denominators linking the actions of the
world’s elite players – it is incredibly rare
to see a Tour pro falling off a shot. Many
of the most common poor swing

patterns can be traced back to the body
trying to rebalance itself. Use these two
tips to centre yourself at address and
mid-swing and you can avoid the
compensations that lead to erratic

Restore the balance

How to feel more poised at address... and how to maintain it



2 Drop down
Now squat down as far as you can go. You can
only get to this point by keeping your weight and
pressure centred under both feet; if it shifts to
your heels or toes you will fall back or forward.

1 Shaft behind neck
Take your posture but place a club across the
back of your shoulders, behind your neck. Feel
your hips are over your ankles and your weight
is centred under the laces of both feet.

3 Better connection
Repeat the squatting motion
to achieve a subtle amount
of knee flex at address
without moving excessively
into your toes or heels. This
not only gives an improved
sensation of ‘heaviness’ and
feeling grounded, but also
a keener appreciation of
where your balance point is.

Strong resistance
One of the best ways to
understand good balance
is that you should offer
maximum resistance to
someone trying to push
you over. Work on the
squat drill until you begin
to have this feeling of great
solidity over the ball.
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