Today’s Golfer UK — December 2017

(ff) #1


Has coached
European Tour
players and
director of Elite
Coaching Golf

Fault: Inconsistent strike
point on the face
Fix:Swing at a tighter target

When your ball-striking is off, it’s
tempting to delve into technique for
answers. However, it can be more
effective and a whole lot quicker simply
to work on a feedback drill that trains a
more precise strike. This easy exercise
will not only help you find the centre of
the face more often; it’ll show you
whether your tendency is to catch the
ball in the heel or the toe.


A simple feedback drill that will narrow

your focus and refine your action

Make your mark
Turn the clubface through 90º, so the length
of the blade is looking down the target line.
Make your regular swing, making sure the club
makes contact with the ground. The orientation
of the face leaves a narrow skid in the ground.

Learn your pattern
Now, with the club still
rotated in your hands, make
five more swings, trying to
hit that slender mark each
time. Every swing you make
will leave another mark in
the turf, giving you a clear
picture of your strike pattern.

Strike focus
This drill refocuses your
attention on the clubface
and its position. Keep going
until you can hit your original
mark three times in a row.
Then turn the club round and
swing normally; your impact
precision will feed through
into more consistent striking.

Hit the skids!

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