Today’s Golfer UK — December 2017

(ff) #1


Motocaddy P1 £129.99
Motocaddy Cube £149.99


To n y C o h e n
Handicap 9

Matt Hubbard
Handicap 14

Tim Weymouth
Handicap 25

John Hill
Handicap 14


A fourball puts two of Motocaddy’s latest push designs through their paces

‘This is a lot of trolley for the money’

ver the last 10 years Motocaddy
have led the way when it comes to
battery-powered electric trolleys.
But their research has shown push trolleys
are still big business, so they’ve launched a
new push line-up. To find out if the compact
Cube and fast-folding P1 are up to taking the
strain, we asked four TG readers to put them
to the test.

Q How easy are they to set-up?
JH: Putting the Cube together was a breeze.
The instructions were clear and simple and
for me it was obvious which bits needed to
be activated and locked to set the trolley up.
TC: I always usually read the instructions
when I buy anything new. The Cube was so
simple to put together though I didn’t need
them. It unfolds quickly and is ready for a
golf bag seconds after getting it out the car.
MH: The P1 was extremely easy to put
together for the first time, and just as simple
to collapse down and get back in the car.
TW: First time out the joints on the legs were
a little stiff on the P1 (which probably is a
good thing). They’ve eased up over time, but
essentially it was from box to golf course.

Q What did you reckon to the weight of your
trolley and how did they fit in the car boot?
JH: The Cube folds down to next to nothing,
there’s also a ‘carry handle’ which means it’s

easy to lift. I reckon it’s a fraction heavier
than my usual trolley but you really don’t
notice it pushing the trolley on the course.
TC: I was surprised how small the Cube
folded down, it was light too, which made it
easy to get in and out of the car. I reckon the
Cube’s well worth the extra £20 if you have a
small car boot.
MH: Lightweight and ergonomically shaped,
the P1 can be lifted to and from the car
without getting my clothes dirty. What
more do I need?
TW: The P1 is very easy to manoeuvre out on
the golf course, so the weight is fine with me.
It doesn’t fold as small as the Cube, but I
reckon it would fit most car boots.

Q What did you think to the build quality?
JH: The design is easy on the eye, and the
construction looks to be decent. Only time will
tell on the foam handle grip (its compressed a
bit already) and if I’m being ultra-picky the
accessories compartment lid is a bit flimsy.
TC: Sturdy, well-made and as there’s a two
year guarantee I reckon the Cube is built to
last. I can see myself using it for six-seven
years at least.
MH: For £129.99 I think the P1 is a lot of
trolley for the money, it’s designed and built
to a very good standard.
TW: The P1 is very well put together, I can
see myself getting a good amount of life out

of it. The extra accessories tray and drinks
holder are welcomed too, saves rooting
around in my bag for a bottle.

Q How do you rate them overall and would
you recommend them?
JH: I’m really pleased with the trolley, £149
for the Cube is value for money. I’d definitely
recommend them – and already have.
TC: There’s lots to like about the Cube. I
loved the bag straps as they kept my bag in
place for the whole round, and look neat and
tidy. The brake also keeps the trolley secure
on slopes; it’s a big thumbs up from me.
MH: I’d recommend the P1. For £129.99 it’s a
good, solid all-round push trolley. Like Tony I
thought the straps were superb, keeping my
bag straight the whole way round and they’re
easy to fasten and undo.
TW: I really like how the bag sits nice and
high on the P1, it means I can make club
selections walking between shots. Compared
to some of the lower priced more budget
trolleys it’s worth the extra cash. It’s a
recommendation from me.

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