Dolphin Digest — October 2017

(vip2019) #1
“With me ... Everyone is different. We kind of have that 24-hour rule but by the
time I go to sleep and wake up the next day, it’s all gone. We really have got to
be able to shift the focus to the next week and get prepared for the next team.”

— WR KENNY STILLS on the importance of shedding what happened
one week and moving on the the next

“Big time. I’m one of the guys that’s one of the leaders on the offensive line.
(I have) been here the longest out of all the guys. Whenever they talk bad about
our offensive line, it reflects on me most, because I’ve been here”
on if he takes the struggles of the offensive line personally

“It’s definitely draining. I don’t know if you guys watch me on the sideline. I’m a
little out of my mind sometimes too. It’s exhausting. Game days are tiring. You’re
on edge. It’s a high-intensity moment for four hours.”
— MATT BURKE on what the first part of the season
has been like calling plays as a defensive coordinator for the first time

OCTOBER 28, 2017 Dolphin Digest 17

“I think it starts with repetition. It
starts on the practice field. Even if
it’s getting with a coach or a player,
or maybe even the head coach —
whatever it may be — offering wis-
dom. More repetition. ‘Hey listen,
let me show you what you didn’t
do right on this play.’ ”

on how the defense can help
the offense pick up their flow

“I think the fact that we’re learning how to execute and able to be consistent to

some extent. We’re not perfect but we’re going to continue to strive to get there. I

think the biggest thing is that, compared to probably years in the past where we

weren’t fully built in understanding what we needed to get done, I think as we’ve got-

ten older and added some new pieces, people understand where they need to go and

how to be successful.”

— NT NDAMUKONG SUH on what he likes about this defense

“It’s definitely something that I m work-
ing on now. I’m such a passionate player.
I play with a lot of emotions, but at the
same time you can t let those emotions
affect the game or the team. Being in a
role where we’re counted upon, and I feel
like I’m counted upon in my role, I’ve got
to just be able to hold my emotions in
check sometimes.”
— RB JAY AJAYI on learning to try and keep his
emotions in check on the sidelines

“No. I think as you get older
you just kind of see things a
little bit differently. You ex−
perience a lot in this league
has to offer. The highs aren t
as high and the lows probably
aren t as low. You’ve just got
to try and stay even and realize
that it s a long season and
you’re going to hit a lot of
speed bumps along the way.”
on if there was a point in his career where he made a
decison to stay level-headed in order to be successsful

“Just continue to learn the game. Continue to watch film.
Learn from DE Cam (Wake), learn from (Andre) Branch,
learn from William (Hayes) and all of them guys. Of
course it’s being being patient on the field, outside of
the field, at practice and things like that. Just working
on my craft and learning how to be a pro.”
on what he thinks he needs to improve on overall

“He gives us attitude, he’s a physical player. You can tell with our defense
we want to be physical and detailed with our assignments. We just want to
be aggressive out there and depend on each other.”
on what the addition of Rey Maualuga brings to the LB corps

“I think it’s been OK. I think he would tell you just OK. I think he feels like
he could play better and I think he will play better as it goes.”
on the progress of T Laremy Tunsil so far this season
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