Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
Let's Try Admin | OPEN SOURCE FOR YOU | DECEMBER 2017 | 57


pache CloudStack is one among the highly visible
projects from the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
The project focuses on deploying open source software
for public and private Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds.
Listed below are a few important points about CloudStack.
ƒ It is designed to deploy and manage large networks
of virtual machines, as highly available and scalable
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing
ƒ CloudStack is used by a number of service providers to
offer public cloud services and by many companies to
provide on-premises (private) cloud offerings or as part of
a hybrid cloud solution.
ƒ CloudStack includes the entire ‘stack’ of features that
most organisations desire with an IaaS cloud -- compute
orchestration, Network as a Service, user and account
management, a full and open native API, resource

Apache CloudStack is yet another outstanding project that has contributed many
tools and projects to the open source community. The author has selected the
relevant and important extracts from the excellent documentation provided by the
Apache CloudStack project team for this article.

Apache CloudStack:

A Reliable and Scalable Cloud

Computing Platform

accounting, and a first-class user interface (UI).
ƒ It currently supports the most popular hypervisors —
VMware, KVM, Citrix XenServer, Xen Cloud Platform
(XCP), Oracle VM server and Microsoft Hyper-V.
ƒ Users can manage their cloud with an easy-to-use Web
interface, command line tools and/or a full-featured
RESTful API. In addition, CloudStack provides an API
that’s compatible with AWS EC2 and S3 for organisations
that wish to deploy hybrid clouds.
ƒ It provides an open and flexible cloud orchestration platform
to deliver reliable and scalable private and public clouds.

Features and functionality
Some of the features and functionality provided by
CloudStack are:
ƒ Works with hosts running XenServer/XCP, KVM,
Hyper-V, and/or VMware ESXi with vSphere
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