Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Developers Insight


achine learning is a set of methods by which
computers make decisions autonomously. Using
certain techniques, computers make decisions by
considering or detecting patterns in past records and then
predicting future occurrences. Different types of predictions
are possible, such as about weather conditions and house
prices. Apart from predictions, machines have learnt how
to recognise faces in photographs, and even filter out email
spam. Google, Yahoo, etc, use machine learning to detect
spam emails. Machine learning is widely implemented across
all types of industries. If programming is used to achieve
automation, then we can say that machine learning is used to
automate the process of automation.
In traditional programming, we use data and programs
on computers to produce the output, whereas in machine
learning, data and output is run on the computer to produce a
program. We can compare machine learning with farming or
gardening, where seeds --> algorithms, nutrients --> data, and
the gardener and plants --> programs.
We can say machine learning enables computers to learn
to perform tasks even though they have not been explicitly
programmed to do so. Machine learning systems crawl
through the data to find the patterns and when found, adjust
the program’s actions accordingly. With the help of pattern
recognition and computational learning theory, one can study
and develop algorithms (which can be built by learning
from the sets of available data), on the basis of which the
computer takes decisions. These algorithms are driven by

Machine learning is a fascinating study. If you are a beginner or simply curious
about machine learning, this article covers the basics for you.

building a model from sample records. These models are
used in developing decision trees, through which the system
takes all the decisions. Machine learning programs are also
structured in such a way that when exposed to new data,
they learn and improve over time.

Implementing machine learning
Before we understand how machine learning is implemented
in real life, let’s look at how machines are taught. The
process of teaching machines is divided into three steps.
1 Data input: Text files, spreadsheets or SQL databases
are fed as input to machines. This is called the training
data for a machine.
2 Data abstraction: Data is structured using algorithms
to represent it in simpler and more logical formats.
Elementary learning is performed in this phase.

  1. Generalisation: An abstract of the data is used as
    input to develop the insights. Practical application
    happens at this stage.
    The success of the machine depends on two things:
    ƒ How well the generalisation of abstraction data happens.
    ƒ The accuracy of machines when translating their learning
    into practical usage for predicting the future set of actions.
    In this process, every stage helps to construct a better
    version of the machine.
    Now let’s look at how we utilise the machine in real life.
    Before letting a machine perform any unsupervised task, the
    five steps listed below need to be followed.

Insights into Machine Learning

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