Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Developers Insight

Unsupervised learning: The objective of unsupervised
learning algorithms is to represent the hidden structure of
the data set in order to learn more about the data. Here, we
only have input data with no corresponding output variables.
Unsupervised learning algorithms develop the descriptive
models, which approach the problems irrespective of the
knowledge of the results. So it is left to the system to find
out the pattern in the available inputs, in order to discover
and predict the output. From many possible hypotheses, the
optimal one is used to find the output.
Sorting apples and mangoes from a basket full of fruits
can be done using unsupervised learning too. But this time the
machine is not aware about the differentiating features of the
fruits such as colour, shape, size, etc. We need to find similar
features of the fruits and sort them accordingly.
Some of the algorithms we can use here are the K-means
clustering algorithm and hierarchical clustering.
Reinforcement learning: In this learning method, ideas
and experiences supplement each other and are also linked
with each other. Here, the machine trains itself based on the
experiences it has had and applies that knowledge to solving
problems. This saves a lot of time, as very little human
interaction is required in this type of learning. It is also called
the trial-error or association analysis technique, whereby the
machine learns from its past experiences and applies its best
knowledge to make decisions. For example, a doctor with
many years of experience links a patient’s symptoms to the
illness based on that experience. So whenever a new patient
comes, he uses his experience to diagnose the illness of the
Some of the algorithms we can use here are the Apriori
algorithm and the Markov decision process.

Machine learning applications
Machine learning has ample applications in practically every
domain. Some major domains in which it plays a vital role are
shown in Figure 7.
Banking and financial services: Machine learning plays
an important role in identifying customers for credit card

offers. It also evaluates the risks involved with those offers.
And it can even predict which customers are most likely to be
defaulters in repaying loans or credit card bills.
Healthcare: Machine learning is used to diagnose fatal
illnesses from the symptoms of patients, by comparing them
with the history of patients with a similar medical history.
Retail: Machine learning helps to spot the products that
sell. It can differentiate between the fast selling products
and the rest. That analysis helps retailers to increase or
decrease the stocks of their products. It can also be used to
recognise which product combinations can work wonders.
Amazon, Flipkart and Walmart all use machine learning
to generate more business.
Publishing and social media: Some publishing firms
use machine learning to address the queries and retrieve
documents for their users based on their requirements and
preferences. Machine learning is also used to narrow down
the search results and news feeds. Google and Facebook are
the best examples of companies that use machine learning.
Facebook also uses machine learning to suggest friends.
Games: Machine learning helps to formulate strategies for
a game that requires the internal decision tree style of thinking
and effective situational awareness. For example, we can build
intelligence bots that learn as they play computer games.
Face detection/recognition: The most common
example of face detection is this feature being widely
available in smartphone cameras. Facial recognition has
even evolved to the extent that the camera can figure out
when to click – for instance, only when there is a smile on
the face being photographed. Face recognition is used in
Facebook to automatically tag people in photos. It’s machine
learning that has taught systems to detect a particular
individual from a group photo.
Genetics: Machine learning helps to identify the genes
associated with any particular disease.

Figure 6: Unsupervised learning model (Image credit: Google)

Figure 7: Machine learning applications




vector Model

Cluster Id

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