Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1 | OPEN SOURCE FOR YOU | DECEMBER 2017 | 83

Overview Developers

Web application development since its inception
Initially, each individual Web page was delivered as a static
document to the client, but the sequence of the pages could
still provide an interactive experience, since a user’s input
was returned using Web form elements present in the page
markup. In the 1990s, Netscape came up with a client-side
scripting language named JavaScript. Programmers could now
add some dynamic elements to the user interface which ran on
the client side. Just after the arrival of Netscape, Macromedia
introduced Flash, which is actually a vector animation player
that can be added to different browsers as a plugin to insert
different animations on the Web pages. It even allows the use
of scripting languages to program the interactions on the client
side, without communicating with the server.
Next, the concept of a Web application was introduced in
the Java programming language in the Servlet Specification
(version 2.2). This was when XMLHttpRequest object had
also been introduced on Internet Explorer 5 as an ActiveX
object. After all this, Ajax came in and applications like
Gmail made their client sides more interactive. Now, a Web
page script is able to actually contact the server for retrieving
and storing data without downloading the entire Web page.
We should not forget HTML5, which was developed to
provide multimedia and graphic capabilities without any need
for client side plugins. The APIs and Document Object Model
(DOM) are fundamental parts of the HTML5 specification.
WebGL API led the way for advanced 3D graphics using
the HTML5 canvas and JavaScript language. If we talk
about the current situation, we have different programming
languages like Python and PHP (apart from Java), which
can be used to develop any Web application. We also have
different frameworks and open source tools that really help
in developing a full-fledged Web application quite easily. So
let’s discuss a few such tools as we go forward.

Figure 1: Different stages in Web application development
(Image source:

Figure 2: Benefits of Web application development (Image source:

But first, let’s discuss why Web applications are needed
and what are their benefits.

  1. Cost-effective development: Different users can access
    any Web application via a uniform environment,
    which is nothing but a Web browser. The interaction
    of the user with the application needs to be tested
    on different Web browsers, but the application can
    only be developed for a single operating system. As
    it is not necessary to develop and test the application
    on all possible operating system (OS) versions
    and configurations, it makes the development and
    troubleshooting task much easier.

  2. Accessible anywhere: Web applications are accessible
    anywhere, anytime and on any PC with the help of an
    Internet connection. This also opens up the possibilities
    of using Web applications for real-time collaboration
    and accessing them remotely.

  3. Easily customisable: It is easier to customise the user
    interface of Web based applications than of desktop
    applications. Hence, it’s easier to update and customise
    the look and feel of the Web applications or the way
    their information is presented to different user groups.

  4. Can be accessed by a range of devices: The content
    of any Web application can also be customised for use
    on any type of device connected to the Internet. This
    helps to access the application through mobile phones,
    tablets, PCs, etc. Users can receive or interact with the
    information in a way that best suits them.

  5. Improved interoperability: The Web based architecture
    of an application makes it possible to easily integrate the
    enterprise systems, improve workflow and other such
    business processes. With the help of Internet technologies,
    we get an adaptable and flexible business model that can
    be changed according to market demands.

  6. Easier installation and maintenance of the
    application: Any Web based application can be
    installed and maintained with comparatively less
    complications. Once a new version of the application
    is installed on the host server, all users can access
    it directly without any need to upgrade the PC of
    each user. The roll-out of new software can also be
    accomplished easily, requiring only that the users
    have updated browsers and plugins.







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