Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

For U & Me Let's Try

Internal links: Internal links point to the pages within
the wiki. To create an internal link, just enclose the page
name within the square brackets. The colour of the page links
shows the availability of the page. If the link is in green,
then the page is available. And if the link is red, then the
page is unavailable.
Sectional links: Sectional links are used to link different
sections of a page by using the ‘#’ character followed by the
section name, enclosed by the double square brackets on both
the sides. For example: [[#section|current section]]

Media files can be added to your wiki by clicking the
‘picture frame’ icon (next to the smiley in the editor). On
clicking the icon, a new dialogue box will pop up, and by
clicking the ‘Select files’ button you can select the files
for your wiki. When you’re finished, click the ‘Upload’
button and once it is uploaded, the image will show up
in the dialogue box. You can further customise the image
by clicking on it. This will display the ‘Link settings’
option. You can define how the image can be linked to
your wiki, the alignment, and the size of your image.
After customising the image, click on the ‘Insert’ button
to insert the image in the page.
You can add metadata to your image by using the
‘Media manager’ option and choose the ‘Edit’ option for the
particular image.
DokuWiki supports the following media formats:

Images: gif, jpg, png
Video: webm, ogv, mp4
Audio: ogg, mp3, wav
Flash: swf

Sometimes, the media file you added may not be

recognised by your browser;
so it is recommended that
you add media files in the
multiple formats prescribed
above, so that any one of the
formats can be recognised
by your browser.

Access control lists
ACL or Access Control Lists
are one of the core features
of the DokuWiki. They
define the access rights of
the wiki for its users. There
are seven types of permissions that can be assigned to the
users, which are Read, Edit, Create, Upload, Delete, None
and Admin. Of these, ‘Delete’ is the highest permission and
‘Read’ is the lowest, so if the ‘Delete’ permission is assigned
to users, they can have ‘Read’, ‘Edit’, ‘Create’ and ‘Upload’
permissions as well.
Admin permissions are assigned to the members of the
admin group, and surpass all the other permissions. Also, the
members of the admin group are considered as ‘super users’,
so regardless of the ACL restrictions, they can have unlimited
access on the wiki.
Please note that ‘Create’, ‘Upload’ and ‘Delete’
permissions can be applied to namespaces only.
To change the access rules for a page or a namespace,
follow the steps given below:

  1. Log in to DokuWiki as the admin.

  2. Now click on the gear wheel icon next to the admin label
    on the top of the page.

  3. Choose the ‘Access control list management’ option in the
    administration page.

  4. On the left side you will see the available namespaces
    and their pages. You just have to click on your choice
    and select the group or the user by supplying the
    respective name.

  5. For each page or namespace, the current permissions for
    the selected group or user will be displayed. Below that,
    you can change the permissions and save them. These will
    get updated on the ACL rules table.
    DokuWiki determines the access rights for each user by
    the following constraints:

  6. DokuWiki will check all the permission rules against
    a person or the group to which s/he belongs, but the
    catch lies with the permission rule, which is closer to the
    namespace: page level will take precedence and this will
    determine the access for that person.

  7. When more than one rule is matched on the same level,
    the rule with the highest permission will be chosen.
    Please note that users in DokuWiki are compiled into
    groups. Before a user is manually added to any group
    by the administrator, all of its users will belong to the

Figure 1: Sample blank page

Figure 3: Examples of links

Figure 2: Old revisions of a page

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