Open Source For You — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1 | OPEN SOURCE FOR YOU | DECEMBER 2017 | 93

Let's Try For U & Me

following groups:
ƒ @user: All registered users will belong to this group.
ƒ @ALL: Every user of DokuWiki falls into this group,
including registered and non-registered users.
Let’s assume you want to create a namespace for your
team in Washington and name it as washington_team. Now
we want this namespace to be accessible only to your team
members. To achieve that, you will add team members to a
user group @wa_dc. Now let’s analyse the ACL rule table
definition for the namespace washington_team.
The first line of the table tells us that any user, including
the registered and non-registered users, can only read the
contents on the root namespace.
The second line of the table shows us that the registered
users of the wiki can have ‘Upload’ access, which enables
them additional accesses such as ‘Read’, ‘Edit’ and ‘Create.’
The third line tells us that users in the group @ALL cannot
access this namespace. This line specifically restricts access to
all, including the intended users.
The fourth line shows that the user group @wa_dc can
have ‘Upload’ access. This line is the continuation of the third
line, since we have now successfully made the namespace
washington_team exclusive for the user group @wa_dc.
In the fifth line, it shows us that ‘Admin’ has given ‘Delete’
access to the namespace washington_team; hence, the admin
can have full and unrestricted access to the namespace.
Now let’s create two pages—tasks and swift_private — in
washington_team to see how ACL rules are applied to different
users (Figure 7).

User 1:
Name: Stella Ritchie, a non-registered user
User group: @ALL
For this user, in the rule table, the first
rule and the third one matches, but the third
rule matches on the namespace level since
her access to the washington_team is None.

User 2:
Name: Priscilla Hilpert, a registered user
User group: @wa_dc
For Priscilla, the Rules 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 are matching.
Priscilla can have access to the namespace washington_team
via Rule 4.
In Rule 8, it shows that Priscilla can have ‘Read only’
access to the page washington_team: tasks since this
permission was set at the namespace level.
Rule 6 shows that Priscilla is prohibited from accessing
the page washington_team: swift_private since the permission
for accessing this page is set to None.

User 3:
Name: Sylvester Swift
User group: @wa_dc
For Sylvester, the Rules 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 are matching.
Rule 4 enables Sylvester to access the washington_
team. Rule 7 gives the Edit and Read access to the
page washington_team: swift_private. Rule 8 shows
that Sylvester has ‘Read only’ access to the page
washington_team: tasks.

The default look of DokuWiki can be changed by choosing
a template from the template collection that is available
for download. It is recommended that you download the
template version that is equal to or more recent than your
DokuWiki version.
DokuWiki offers a huge collection of plugins. As
of now, it has more than 900 plugins that are available
for download, each of which extend the functions of
DokuWiki. Plugin installation can be automated by using
the extension manager; or you could do it manually by
downloading the package on your computer and manually
upload it via the extension manager. Please note that the
plugins are contributed by the user community and may
not be properly reviewed by the DokuWiki team. Always
look out for the warnings and update information in
a plugin page to avoid problems.

Figure 4: Image uploaded

Figure 6: ACL rule table for the Washington namespace

Figure 7: ACL rule table for the Washington namespace and its pages

Figure 5: Link settings

By: Magimai Prakash
The author has a B.E. degree in computer science. As he is
deeply interested in Linux, he spends most of his leisure time
exploring open source.
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