Far From Land The Mysterious Lives of Seabirds

(vip2019) #1
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A Navigational Diversion

  1. Emlen, S.T. 1970. Celestial rotation: its importance in the development of
    migratory orientation. Science 170 : 1198– 201.

  2. Wiltschko, R. and Wiltschko, W. 2009. Avian navigation. Auk 126 : 717– 43.

  3. Gagliardo, A. 2013. Forty years of olfactory navigation in birds. Journal of
    Experimental Biology 216 : 2165– 71.

  4. Wikelski, M., Arriero, E., Gagliardo, A., Holland, R.A. et al. 2015. True
    navigation in migrating gulls requires intact olfactory nerves. Scientific
    Reports 5 : 17061. Doi: 10.1038/srep17061.
    Gagliardo, A., Bried, J., Lambardi, P., Luschi, P. et al. 2013. Oceanic
    navigation in Cory’s shearwaters: Evidence for a crucial role of olfactory
    cues for homing after displacement. Journal of Experimental Biology 216 :
    2798– 805.

  5. Biro, D., Meade, J. and Guilford, T. 2004. Familiar route loyalty implies
    visual pilotage in the homing pigeon. Proceedings of the National Academy
    of Sciences USA 101 : 17440– 3.

  6. Benhamou, S., Bonadonna, F. and Jouventin, P. 2003. Successful homing
    of magnet- carrying white- chinned petrels released in the open sea. Animal
    Behaviour 65 : 729– 34.
    Bonadonna, F., Chamaille- Jammes, S., Pinaud, D. and Weimerskirch, H.
    2003. Magnetic cues: are they important in Black- browed Albatross Diomedea
    melanophris orientation? Ibis 145 : 152– 5.
    Bonadonna, F., Bajzak, C., Benhamou, S., Igloi, K. et al. 2005. Orientation
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  7. Pollonara, E., Luschi, P., Guilford, T., Wikelski, M. et al. 2015. Olfaction and
    topography, but not magnetic cues, control navigation in a pelagic seabird:
    displacements with shearwaters in the Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Reports
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Chapter 5. Tied to Home: Adult Movements during the Breeding Season

  1. Harris, M.P. and Wanless, S. 2016. The use of webcams to monitor the
    prolonged autumn attendance of Guillemots on the Isle of May in 2015.
    Scottish Birds 36 : 3– 9.

  2. Gonzalez- Solis, J., Becker, P.H. and Wendeln, H. 1999. Divorce and asynchro-
    nous arrival in common terns, Sterna hirundo. Animal Behaviour 58 : 1123– 9.

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