Far From Land The Mysterious Lives of Seabirds

(vip2019) #1

232 | Notes to Chapter 9

differences in preferred sea surface temperatures. Biology Letters 11 : 20141090.
Doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2014.1090.

Chapter 9. How Seabirds Catch Food

  1. Weimerskirch, H., Bishop, C., Jeanniard- du- Dot, T., Prudor, A. et al. 2016.
    Frigate birds track atmospheric conditions over months- long transoceanic
    flights. Science 353 : 74– 8.

  2. Weimerskirch, H., Le Corre, M., Ropert- Coudert, Y., Kato, A. et al. 2005.
    The three- dimensional flight of Red- footed Boobies: adaptations to foraging
    in a tropical environment? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 272 :
    53– 61.

  3. Weimerskirch, H. and Wilson, R.P. 1992. When do Wandering Albatrosses
    Diomedea exulans forage? Marine Ecology Progress Series 86 : 297– 300.

  4. Weimerskirch, H., Wilson, R.P. and Lys, P. 1998. Activity pattern of forag-
    ing in the Wandering Albatross: A marine predator with two modes of prey
    searching. Marine Ecology Progress Series 151 : 245– 54.

  5. Weimerskirch, H., Gault, A. and Cherel, Y. 2005. Prey distribution and
    patchiness: Factors in foraging success and efficiency of Wandering
    Albatrosses. Ecology 86 : 2611– 22.

  6. http://wildlifecomputers.com/our-tags/daily-diary/ (accessed 14 June 2017).

  7. Grémillet, D., Prudor, A., le Maho, Y. and Weimerskirch, H. 2012. Vultures
    of the seas: Hyperacidic stomachs in Wandering Albatrosses as an adapta-
    tion to dispersed food resources, including fishery wastes. PLoS One 7 :
    e37834. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037834.

  8. Dias, M.P., Alho, M., Granadeiro, J.P. and Catry, P. 2015. Wanderer of the
    deepest seas: Migratory behaviour and distribution of the highly pelagic
    Bulwer’s petrel. Journal of Ornithology 156 : 955– 62.

  9. Dias, M.P., Romero, J., Granadeiro, J.P., Catry, T. et al. 2016. Distribution
    and at- sea activity of a nocturnal seabird, the Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria
    bulwerii, during the incubation period. Deep- sea research. Part I, Oceano-
    graphic Research Papers 113 : 49– 56.

  10. Pinet, P., Jaeger, A., Cordier, E., Potin, G. et al. 2011. Celestial moderation
    of tropical seabird behavior. PLoS One 6 : e27663. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone

  11. Lewis, S., Benvenuti, S., Dall- Antonia, L., Griffiths, R. et al. 2002. Sex-
    specific foraging behaviour in a monomorphic seabird. Proceedings of the
    Royal Society of London, B 269 : 1687– 93.

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