Far From Land The Mysterious Lives of Seabirds

(vip2019) #1
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  1. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/01/watch-this-giant-bird-dives-150-feet
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  2. Tremblay, Y., Cook, T.R. and Cherel, Y. 2005. Time budget and diving
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  3. Wilson, R.P., Vargas, F.H., Steinfurth, A., Riordan, P. et al. 2008. What
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  5. Shoji, A., Dean, B., Kirk, H., Freeman, R. et al. 2016. The diving behaviour
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  7. Regular, P.M., Hedd, A. and Montevecchi, W.A. 2011. Fishing in the dark: A
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  8. Wienecke, B., Robertson, G., Kirkwood, R. and Lawton, K. 2007. Extreme
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  9. Kokubun, N., Kim, J.H., Shin, H.C., Naito, Y. et al. 2011. Penguin head
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  10. Handley, J.M. and Pistorius, P. 2015. Kleptoparasitism in foraging Gentoo
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  11. Crook, K.A. and Davoren, G.K. 2014. Underwater behaviour of common
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    behaviour. Marine Ecology Progress Series 501 : 279– 90.

  12. Regular, P.M., Hedd, A. and Montevecchi, W.A. 2011. Fishing in the dark: A
    pursuit- diving seabird modifies foraging behaviour in response to nocturnal
    light levels. PLoS One 6 : e26763. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026763.

  13. Pütz, K., Wilson, R.P., Charrassin, J.- B., Raclot, T. et al. 1998. Foraging
    strategy of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) during summer at the
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  14. Meir, J.U., Stockard, T.K., Williams, C.L., Ponganis, K.V. et al. 2008. Heart
    rate regulation and extreme bradycardia in diving Emperor Penguins.
    Journal of Experimental Biology 211 : 1169– 79.

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