Far From Land The Mysterious Lives of Seabirds

(vip2019) #1

248 | Index

Sooty Terns (cont.)
journeys, short- term changes in,
104– 5; “Wideawake Tern,” also known
as, 104; wreck of, 128
Southern Fulmars, 7
Southern Giant Petrel, 40
South Georgia Diving Petrels, 88, 161,
South Polar Skuas: breeding and
nonbreeding season daily routines,
contrast between, 76; divergent
migratory routes of, 65, Map 13;
foraging of Antarctic Petrels and,
difference between, 108; photo of,
Plate 5; as specialist predators during
breeding season, 10
Sparrow, House, 8
Special Protection Areas (SPAs), 199
Spoon- billed Sandpipers, 20n
stable isotopes, 44– 45
stomach temperature sensors, 24
storm petrels (Oceanitidae and Hydro-
batidae): eggs, size of, 91; Hornby’s,
12, 182, 202; incubation stints, length
of and foraging during, 93– 94; Leach’s,
93, 204; Least, 8; Monteiro’s, 11; New
Zealand, 18– 19; Pincoya, 12; size and
appearance of, 8; travel costs, reduc-
ing, 111

terns, 10; Antarctic, 10; Arctic (see Arctic
Terns); Black- naped, 34n; Caspian, 34,
200; Chinese Crested, 13; clutch size,
14; Common, 27, 87, 128, 163, Plate 3;
Crested, 201; distances traveled while
foraging from the nest, 15; feeding
behavior of, 165; prolonged parental
feeding of juveniles, 34; Sooty (see
Sooty Terns)
thermal imaging and radar, 19
Thick- billed Murres. See Brünnich’s

Thin- billed Prions, 63, 77, 161– 62, Map 12
time- depth recorders (TDRs), 23, 25
travel costs, reducing, 110– 12; flight,
efficient techniques for, 113– 16;
porpoising by penguins, 112– 13;
sleeping on the wing, 116– 17; wind
patterns, exploitation of, 119– 22; wind
patterns, figure- of- 8 trans- equatorial
journeys and, 122– 26; zig- zagging and
area- restricted search, 117– 19
tropicbirds, 9
tube- nosed birds (Procellariiformes), 5– 8

Votier, Steve, 25, 46, 138

Wade, Helen, 159
Wakefield, Ewan, 106, 133
Wandering Albatrosses: area- restricted
search, zig- zagging associated with,
119; brood- guard phase of breeding,
foraging during, 100; brooding season
protections for, 194– 95; clockwise/
anti- clockwise preferences of male/
female, 120; consistencies in be-
haviour of, 134– 35, 139; drawing of,
30; feeding behaviour of, 16, 147– 48,
151, 157– 58, 166– 68; first flight of,
29– 30; first journeys of, 38– 39; fishing
vessels and, 188; gliding skills of, 113,
115; immature and adult, convergence
of behaviour of, 49– 50; immersion
loggers deployed on, 22; lifetime
foraging patterns, gender and, 50– 51;
migratory routes, consistency of,
134– 35; navigation by, 83; nonbreed-
ing areas, differentiation by age and
sex of, 73; photos, Plates 5– 6; plumage
as a signal of age for, 44; pre- breeding
period of, 43; satellite transmitters
attached to, 19– 20; stomach acidity,
feeding on ship discharge and, 168;
stomach temperature sensors used on,
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