Far From Land The Mysterious Lives of Seabirds

(vip2019) #1

The Meandering Years of Immaturity

Among humans, the teenage years are a time of trial and, all too often,
error. This is a period when young people take risks, ignore warnings
and, perhaps, undergo a period of accelerated brain development. In a
nutshell, it is a period of exploration. Whilst the analogy would soon
fracture if extended too literally to seabirds, a seabird’s immature years
are also a period of learning and exploration.
Having fledged, a young seabird embarks on a period without breed-
ing responsibilities. No species breeds when less than two years old,
and some albatrosses do not breed until ten or older. Although certain
species, such as gulls and cormorants, may routinely visit land during
this period, others, for example petrels and penguins, can spend several

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