© T. Atkinson, 2018. Practical Feline Behaviour (T. Atkinson) 131
9. Advice for Prospective Cat Owners
Pet ownership can be beneficial for both the human carer and the pet animal. For
people, owning a pet can provide companionship, enjoyment, entertainment and even
health benefits (see Box 9.1), while the companion animal can benefit from being
provided with a reliable food source, shelter, security, veterinary care and protection
from predators and disease (Bernstein, 2007).
However, it can be easy for a pet–owner relationship to break down or to be a
source of stress for either or both parties from the start. The blame is often put on the
animal when behaviour problems or other difficulties arise, but the owner also has a
responsibility to do the best that he or she can to avoid potential problems. The first
step in this process is to be fully aware of the responsibilities involved in pet owner-
ship and to make the correct choice of pet in the first place.
Is a Cat the Best Pet for You?
A cat can be the perfect pet for many people. Cats provide affection, companionship
and often require less time and financial input than a dog. It is very wrong, however,
to choose a cat simply because it appears to be an easy, or cheap, option. Owning a
pet cat still requires a high level of commitment, and a potential owner must be fully
aware of all the responsibilities that cat ownership entails (see Box 9.2).
A cat may not be your best choice of pet if any of the following are the main
reasons you want a cat:
As a ‘second choice’ of pet or as a replacement for a dog
Dogs and cats are very different animals. Getting a cat on impulse when you really
want a dog but are unable to have one is not a recipe for a good pet–owner relation-
ship. It can be better to enjoy the company of dogs by volunteering at a local shelter
or by fostering if you are unable to offer a long-term home for a canine companion.
Many dog lovers do also enjoy the company of cats and are equally committed
to them, but if you have little or no experience of cats it is always best to find out as
much as you can about them, and maybe even spend some time with cats at a local
shelter or with friends’ pets before acquiring your own pet cat.
As a small pet that requires little space
Some large dogs may actually require less space within the home than a small cat,
especially if the cat is kept indoors with limited or no outdoor access. Cats are agile