Practical feline behaviour understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare

(Axel Boer) #1

172 Chapter 11


May be used for

Contraindications and precautions

Monoamine oxidase B

inhibitors (MAOBIs), Selegiline

Inhibits the actions of the enzyme

monoamine oxidase B which catabolizes (breaks down) catecholamines, including dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin in the CNS

May be prescribed in cases of

cognitive dysfunction in older cats (Gunn-Moore, 2011)

Should never be used in combination

with TCAs, SSRIs or other medications including tramadol, metronidazole, prednisolone or trimethoprim

Megestrol acetate

A powerful progestogen (hormone)

that can delay or prevent oestrus in entire female cats

Has been used to treat urine

spraying; however, the damaging side-effects outweigh the potential benefits

Common serious side-effects of

weight-gain, mammary hyperplasia/neoplasia, blood dyscrasia (abnormal blood pathology) and increased risk of diabetes

(Crowell-Davies and Landsberg, 2009; Gunn-Moore, 2011; DePorter

et al

., 2016.)

Table 11.1.

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