Practical feline behaviour understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare

(Axel Boer) #1

The Origin and Evolution of the Domestic Cat 5



There is a distinct difference between an animal that has been tamed and a domesticated

● A tamed animal is an individual from a wild population that has been conditioned
to no longer fear people. There is no human influence on other members of the
same species or on the genetics of the species.
● A domesticated species refers to a taxonomic group of animals whose behaviour,
physiology and genetics have been altered by selective breeding. Domestication is
a gradual process that can take several generations.

The beginnings of feline domestication

The domestication of the cat probably began around 10,000 years ago in a region of
the Middle East known as the Fertile Crescent (Fig. 1.2) (Vigne et al., 2004; Driscoll

Table 1.2. Sub-species of small wildcats (Silvestris spp.).

Common name Species

European (Scottish) wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris
Indian desert cat Felis silvestris ornata
Chinese mountain cat Felis silvestris bieti
South African wildcat (Caffer cat, Bush cat) Felis silvestris cafra
African wildcat (aka North African or Arabian wildcat) Felis silvestris lybica
Domestic cat Felis silvestris catus

Fig. 1.1. The African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica). The most likely ancestor of the domestic cat.

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