Practical feline behaviour understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare

(Axel Boer) #1

housing location in 180–181
human contact in 185
introducing new cats to 184–186
minimizing stress/conflict in 184
private areas/hiding places in 181, 181 , 184
and stress 86, 182, 183, 184, 186, 189
CDS see cognitive dysfunction syndrome
central nervous system (CNS) 170, 171 , 177
and disease 81, 92
CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) 8, 9
chattering/chittering 22, 25
children 137, 149, 227–229, 228
cilia 19
classical conditioning 100–101, 111
and counterconditioning 111
claws 19, 31, 35, 54
digging into owner’s leg 109
examining/clipping 243
clickers 106, 107
Code of Practice for Welfare of Cats (2006) 134
cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)
81, 82, 90, 92, 172
and learning/training 115
communication 22–39
auditory see vocalizations
methods, advantages/disadvantages of 23
scent signals see olfactory signals
tactile see tactile communication
visual see visual signalling
complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) 174–178
acupuncture 176, 177
aromatherapy 176–177
Bach flower remedies 174–176, 177
efficacy of 177–178
homeopathy 174, 177
nutraceuticals/herbal supplements 175
TTouch 177
zoopharmacognosy 176, 177
compulsive behaviours 92
conditioned reinforcement
see secondary/conditioned
conditioned response/stimulus (CR/CS) 101
conflict avoidance 27, 45, 49
constipation 88, 256
containment systems 142–145
cat-proof fencing 120, 142, 143 , 147, 147
electric 142–144
purpose-built enclosures 144–145, 144
context-specific learning 114
core territory 39, 44, 45, 49, 162, 211
corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) 83
cortisol 89, 93
counterconditioning 111
CR/CS (conditioned response/stimulus) 101
cross-eyed Siamese 16

cysteine 51–52, 58
cystitis 84–85, 115

and disease 81
house-soiling 11, 81, 82, 91
and pain 80
and stress 93
see also litter trays
deferential signalling 27, 31, 49
degenerative joint disease 79, 81
dermatitis 86, 87
dermatological conditions 86–87
desensitization 111
diabetes 88–89, 172
Diana (Roman deity) 8
diarrhoea 88, 256
diet 51–52, 58, 151, 177
and cats as obligatory carnivores 52, 53, 177
and nutraceuticals/herbal supplements 175
for pregnant queens 121
discriminative stimulus 113
disease 81, 134, 135, 142, 146
and behaviour see health and behaviour
and communal living 43, 183
and stress 84–90, 153, 158
displacement activities 25, 86, 257
distress see stress
dogs 11, 23–24, 26–27, 51, 90, 131, 149, 186
and aromatherapy 177
introducing 217–222, 218
and learning/training 98, 100–101, 106, 220
and veterinary surgeries 153, 155
domestication 5–7, 6 , 42, 49
dominance hierarchies 48–49
dopamine 170, 172 , 177

early socialization see socialization
signalling using 27, 28 , 93, 158, 256
vestibular system 19
veterinary examination of 244
see also hearing
Egypt, ancient 7
electric containment systems 142–144
endocrine system 88–89
enteritis 85
environmental enrichment 195–198, 198
cat trees 132, 148, 195, 196 , 228
puzzle feeders/foraging games 125, 182,
for stud cats 120
walkways 193, 195, 197
see also hiding spaces, provision of;
shelving/elevated areas

Index 267

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