Practical feline behaviour understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare

(Axel Boer) #1

and weaning 52, 65–66, 65 , 121
see also mother–kitten relationship
kneading 35, 49–50

Lamellar/Pacinian corpuscles 19
laser pens 202
lavender oil 177
leads/harnesses 145
learning theory 98, 109
learning/training 98–115
associative see associative learning
benefits of 98, 99
context-specific 114
and discriminative stimulus 113
factors influencing 112–115
and habituation 71–72, 99, 111
and health/cognitive abilities 115
and learned helplessness 114
and motivation 112–113
and overshadowing 113–114
and sensitization 100
and sound/clickers 105–106, 107, 113, 114, 226
and superstitious behaviour 114
teaching to come to owner 226
and ‘training toolbox’ 113
leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) 4 , 10
Leopardus wiedii 4 , 25
Leptailurus serval 4 , 10
licking 35, 89
limbic system 83, 176, 257
lion (Panthera leo) 3, 4
litter trays 82, 115, 132, 134, 139, 145, 149, 187
and adoption/cat sitting 189, 190
and breeding queens 119, 122, 123
and cat cafés 193
and cat flaps 223
in communal enclosures 184
and hospitalized cats 158, 159
learned aversion to 80
in multi-cat households 45, 47, 48, 146, 206
and pregnant queens 122
and shelters/catteries 184, 185, 187
see also house-training
locomotor play 72, 74
long-haired breeds 8
luring 106 , 106, 108
luteinizing hormone (LH) 60, 61

margay (Leopardus wiedii) 4 , 25
mastitis 64
mating 59
medication 169–170, 171–172
administering 164, 170, 240–242
see also pheramonatherapy

mental/emotional health 90
meowing 22, 23–24
silent 24
specific to owners 24
methionine 51–52, 58
metoestrus phase 60, 61–62
Middle Ages 7–8
Middle East 5–6, 6
monks/monasteries 7–8
mood changes 80, 81
mother–kitten relationship
aggression in 72, 121
and cat–human relationship 49–50
and feeding behaviour 52
pre-weaning period 64–65, 64 , 123–124
and social learning 72
and vocalizations 26
and weaning see weaning
motor development 69
mouth ulcers 89
multi-cat households 44–49, 89, 146, 162, 183
dominance hierarchies in 48–49
fighting/aggression in 45, 46, 47–48, 249–250
food/water in 46–47, 47 , 205–206
litter trays in 45, 47, 48, 132, 146, 206
misleading appearance of social bonding
in 46–47
and new introductions 133, 210–214
and pheromonatherapy 173
reducing resource competition
in 205–206, 214
resting places in 45, 47, 206, 214
social bonding in 45–46
space requirements for 132
Munchkin 9
Mus musculus 6
mutations/deformities 8–9, 9
cross-eyed Siamese 16
mystacial vibrissae 18, 28–29

nasal turbinate bones 17
nasopalatine ducts 17
neoplasia 84
Nepeta cataria (Catnip) 175 , 177, 204, 250
neurological conditions 86, 89–90
neurotransmitters 170, 171 , 173
neutering/neutered cats 44, 135, 145–146,
and aggression 45, 145, 208
and scratching 37
and spraying 38, 58, 91, 145, 208
when to 208
night vision 14–15
noradrenaline/norepinephrine 83, 170, 171 , 176
North African wildcat see African wildcat
nutraceuticals/herbal supplements 175

270 Index

kittens (continued)

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