Practical feline behaviour understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare

(Axel Boer) #1

obesity 88, 89
object play 72, 74
oestrus cycle 60, 61–62
olfaction 17, 18 , 52, 161
and aromatherapy 176–177
and kittens 63, 68
and scent swapping 213
see also pheromonatherapy; pheromones
olfactory signals 22, 35–39, 161
advantages/disadvantages of 23
alleochemical 35
and allorubbing 34
faeces marking 39
pheromone see pheromones
semiochemical 35, 174
and skin glands 36–37, 37
spraying see urine spraying
territory marking 37, 39, 91
operant conditioning 101–107
and positive/negative reinforcement 102
and rewards/reinforcers 102–103, 104
and secondary/conditioned reinforcement
see secondary/conditioned
and self-rewarding behaviour 103
and unintentional reinforcement 103
origin of domestic cats see evolution/origin
of cats
osteoarthritis 79
osteochondrodysplasia 9
otolith organs 19
overeating 88
overshadowing 113–114
owner reinforcement 24
oxytocin 50–51, 176

Pacinian/Lamellar corpuscles 19
pain 79–80, 81, 81 , 86, 89, 115
problems discerning 79
Panthera 3, 4
panting 62, 93, 256
parasites, 86, 138
treatments for 151
parturition 123
imminent, signs of 62–63
Pavlov’s conditioned reflexes 100–101
pedigree cat breeds 8–9
penile spines 59
Persian 9
personality traits, inherited 66–67
pheromonatherapy 170–174
cat-appeasing pheromone (CAP) 173–174
feline interdigital semiochemical (FIS) 174
synthetic facial pheromones 170–173
pheromones 35–36, 59, 170
as social odours 35

photoreceptors 14, 15–16
pica 92
pied tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) 25
piloerection 29, 31 , 93
pinna 17, 27, 54
placebo effect 178
plantar pad 37, 174
play 28, 29, 31, 45, 72–75, 200–204
aggression misinterpreted as 45, 46,
48, 75, 200–201, 251–252
avoiding attacks on humans in 150
cat–human 50
ending 204
and hunting skills 66
and kittens see kitten play
locomotor 72, 74
object 71, 72, 74, 201–202
signs of cat’s desire to 202, 203
social 72–73, 73 , 73 , 75, 200
and training 104, 105, 112, 113
see also puzzle feeders/foraging
games; toys
pre-weaning period 64–65, 64 , 123–124, 136
predatory behaviour see hunting
pregnancy 120–123, 136
changes during 63
choosing nest site 62, 122–123, 123
diet/nutrition during 121
gestation period 61 , 62
health checks during 121, 121
and parturition see parturition
and pre-natal stress 67, 85, 120–122
pseudo- 60, 62
prenatal stress 67, 85, 120–122, 121
Prionailurus bengalensis 4 , 10
prospective owners, advice for 129–130,
for adult cats/older kittens 138
bringing cat/kitten home 138–139
and choice of kitten/adult cat 133–134, 135
and choice of male/female/neutered/
entire 135
and choice of pedigree/non-pedigree 135
cost considerations 132
and early-life influences 136
and house-training see house-training
and households with dogs/children
137, 137
for kittens 136–138
and new introductions 133
and owners’ responsibilities 134
space requirements 131–132
proteins 51–52, 83, 175
pruritus 81
pseudopregnancy 60, 62
psychogenic alopecia 86
punishment 109, 110, 150, 201, 245, 246

Index 271

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