Practical feline behaviour understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare

(Axel Boer) #1

dilated 46, 93, 153, 158, 256
elliptical 14, 15
purring 22, 24, 35
by kittens/nursing females 26
as sign of immanent parturition 123
solicitation/unsolicitation 24
puzzle feeders/foraging games 125, 182,

age of puberty of 60
aggression of 59, 65
and breeding see breeding
in feral colonies 43
mating behaviour 62
nutritional status of 67
oestrus cycle of 60, 61–62
pre-weaning period 64–65, 64 , 123–124
pregnant see pregnancy
in social groupings 43
and spraying 38
vocalizations of 22, 25, 26
and weaning see weaning
see also mother–kitten relationship

RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary
Surgeons) 168
reflex reactions 100
reinforcement schedules 105
religion and cats 7–8
renal failure 81
referral 167–168
and RCVS code of conduct 168
rescue shelters 86, 133, 180–187
resting places 170, 190
in multi-cat households 45, 47, 206, 214
retina 14, 16, 175
righting reflex 19–20, 20
rodent/vermin control 6, 7, 10, 42
rods/cones 14, 15–16
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
(RCVS) 168
rubbing behaviour 59, 61
see also allorubbing
rusty-spotted cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) 4

saccades 15
saccular otolith organ 19
‘safe room’ for new cats 138–139,
211–212, 219
Saguinus bicolor 25
salivation 93, 256
SAM (sympathetic–adrenal medullary) axis 83

sand cat (Felix margarita) 4
Scottish Fold 9
Scottish wildcat (Felix silvestris silvestris) 3, 5
scratch posts/pads 37, 112, 113, 182, 184
scratching 36–37, 112, 250
and medication 173, 174
secondary/conditioned reinforcement
103–106, 107
basic principles of 105–106
and cat carriers 236–237
and luring 106 , 106, 108
and reinforcement schedules 105
and rewards 104
and sound/clickers 105–106, 107, 113
semiochemicals 35, 174
senses 14–20
balance 19–20, 20
hearing see hearing
sight see vision
smell see olfaction
touch 18–19
sensitive period 69, 70, 72, 126
sensitization 100
separation anxiety 50, 51
serotonin 170, 171 , 176, 177
serval (Leptailurus serval) 4 , 10
sexual behaviour 58–62
aggression/fighting 58
of feral cats 43
mating 59, 62
and pheromones 36
of queens see queens
spraying 38, 58
of tomcats 58–59
vocalizations 22, 25, 58, 59
sexual marking 59
shaping behaviour 107–108
and cues 108
shelters see catteries/shelters
shelving/elevated areas 74, 120,
132, 149, 154, 157, 181, 193, 195,
212, 212 , 219
short-haired breeds 8
Siamese, cross-eyed 16
sight see vision
‘sit’ command 106 , 108, 114
skin diseases 86, 87
skin glands 36–37, 37
sleeping, feigned/defensive 94, 158, 256
social behaviour 42–51
bonding see social bonding
effects of neutering on 44
of feral cats 42–44
in multi-cat households see multi-cat
and neighbourhood cats 49
with people 49–51, 51 , 71

272 Index
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