Practical feline behaviour understanding cat behaviour and improving welfare

(Axel Boer) #1

social bonding 45–47, 46 , 49
misinterpretation of signs of 46–47, 251–252
signs of 45–46
social play 72–73, 73 , 73 , 75
social roll 31, 32 , 254
socialization 70–71, 187
and handling 49, 71, 127, 128, 128
with other animals 70, 127
with other cats 44, 70, 126–127
with people 71, 127–128, 136, 150
and pheromonatherapy 173
and relatedness 70
of wild cats 3
spaying 44
spitting 25, 46
stress 11, 82–94, 120, 141, 145
acute 92
assessing 92–93
and cardiovascular system 90, 153
and cat cafés 191–192
and catteries/shelters 86, 182, 183, 184
and compulsive behaviours 92
and dermatological conditions 86–87
and electric containment systems 142–144
and endocrine system 88–89
and enforced proximity/resource
sharing 42
and eustress/distress 82
and FIC 84–85
and gastrointestinal system 87–88, 91, 92
in hospitalized cats 158
and HPA/SAM axes 83
and immune system 85–86
and indoor cats 141, 142, 147, 147 , 148
and lifespan/ageing 90
medication/therapies for 170–173, 175 ,
and mental/emotional health 90–92
and multi-cat households 45
and neurological system 89–90
diagnostic parameters influenced by 153
observable signs of 93–94
of owners 151, 152, 155
and physical health 84–90
physiological response to 82–84
prenatal 67, 85, 120–122, 121
signs of, physiological/behavioural
and spraying 38–39, 85, 91
and visits to vet’s 151, 152, 153, 162
see also anxiety
stroking 35, 50, 71, 157, 253–254
benefits to humans of 11
and training 104, 112
successive approximation see shaping behaviour
supercilliary whiskers 18
superstitious behaviour 114

tactile communication 33–35
allogrooming 33, 34–35, 45
allorubbing 33–34, 34 , 45
sniffing/nose touching 33, 33
tail wrap 34
tail, signalling with 29, 30 , 93, 256
‘tail up’ 29, 30 , 33
tail wrap 34
talking to cats 50, 127, 157, 253
tapetum lucidum/cellulosum 14
taste buds 52
teaching to come to owner 226
teeth 54, 89, 243
territory marking 37, 39, 91
TICA (The International Cat Association) 8
tiger (Panthera tigris) 3, 4
of kittens 69
and pain 80
see also litter trays
tomcats 58–59
tongue, signalling with 28, 29
touch, sense of 18–19
toys 106, 107, 113, 120, 201–202, 248
bat/chase 201–202
lights/laser pens/shadows 202
motorized 201
wand 50, 104, 193, 202
training rewards/reinforcers 102–103, 104
travel and stress 100, 101, 111, 151, 152,
153, 185
see also cat carriers
TTouch 177

unconditioned response/stimulus (UR/US)
United States (USA) 173
cat breed registries in 8
cat ownership in 10
unwanted behaviour, modifying 109–111
and extinction/extinction burst 110, 111
and motivation 112–113
and non-reward 109–111
and punishment see punishment
upper respiratory infection 85–86
UR/US (unconditioned response/stimulus)
urinary diseases 81, 84–85, 86, 91
indoor 245–247
and pain 80
and stress 93
urine spraying 37–39, 38 , 120, 145, 256
hypotheses for 39
and neutered cats 91
as sexual marking 38, 58, 61

Index 273

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