One welfare a framework to improve animal welfare and human well-being

(Romina) #1

© CAB International 2018. One Welfare: A Framework to Improve Animal Welfare and
Human Welfare (R. García Pinillos) 1

The Path to Developing a One Welfare



The content of this book combines the result of personal ideas from the

author and collaborating experts, stakeholder discussion outputs, published

literature, participants to an electronic global consultation on a One Welfare

framework and definition proposal, a global webinar and workshop-type

meetings held at Defra and OIE, as well as a number of personal discussions

and electronic exchanges with experts in related areas across the world.

Overall, the majority of discussions and exchanges have been extremely

positive and supportive of the development of a One Welfare framework.

Many identify this concept as a tool that would encourage and support

collaborative efforts into work on the environment and on the health and

welfare of humans and animals, while increasing public awareness of the

connections that exist between these fields.

Many agreed that One Welfare is a concept that encompasses, in a

multidimensional way, a number of areas, including:

  • the problems of animal production, workers and the impact on the en-

vironment of livestock farms;

  • the reduction of violence across the world;

  • the connection between poor animal and human welfare states and how

improved animal welfare can help improve human welfare.

Improvements in animal welfare do not always progress as expected

and most of the time it is humans who cause the majority of animal welfare

issues. It is therefore necessary to ensure that human welfare aspects are

considered if we are to achieve effective animal welfare improvements.

Through the replies received during the electronic consultation it was

clear that there are already a number of projects taking place across the world

on the One Welfare orbit. There was also a strong desire for the concept of

One Welfare to develop further, encouraging others to adopt similar ways
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