One welfare a framework to improve animal welfare and human well-being

(Romina) #1

28 Section 2

monitor these types of interventions, such as, for example, correlations be-

tween the Human Development Indexes in different societies and animal

welfare status in different scenarios within each society.

In rural areas, interventions that educate owners on responsible dog

ownership and dog control can help prevent dog attacks to livestock. The

impact of this extends to livestock welfare and that of the farming commu-

nity, which can be affected by financial losses, distress and additional nega-

tive factors such as depression (NSA, 2016).

Case Study 5 – National Sheep Association Annual Survey (UK) (by Nicola
Smith, National Sheep Association, UK)
Following a series of serious incidents where dogs out of control in livestock
fields caused deaths and farm losses, the National Sheep Association in the UK
(NSA) has been involved in numerous efforts to reduce these incidents. For ex-
ample, a number of case studies showing the impact on sheep flocks and sheep
farmers of dogs out of control has been collated and is publically available on its
website. The NSA has also developed materials to help address the issue and
raise public awareness, including a ‘sheepwise’ campaign aimed at dog owners.
This displays a short film featuring first-hand accounts of the devastation caused
when dogs worry sheep, covering both the anguish that dog owners face, along
with a potential criminal prosecution if they fail to control their dogs properly in
the countryside. It also stresses the negative impact on farmers and sheep wel-
fare by describing the devastation of seeing lambs or ewes attacked and killed
by dogs.
As part of this work the NSA created a nationwide survey that demonstrates the
consequences of these attacks for:

  • The livestock: number of dead, escapes, abortions, injury or euthanasia

  • The farmer: stress, financial losses, depression, etc.

  • The dog: shot on site or court-ordered euthanasia.

  • The owner: financial payments through compensation, emotional stress from
    loss of dog.

Finally, resources to address this welfare problem in the farming community
and dog ownership sector have focused on educational campaigns by providing
posters and signs for the public, advice to farmers and raising awareness among
police forces of the importance of treating this crime seriously.

Animal hoarding

Animal hoarding involves one or more individuals who gather animals be-

yond the typical number of pets. This number will vary depending on the en-

vironment, care provision facilities, space, etc. As a result they fail to provide

minimum care standards and may not be able to understand their failure
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