One welfare a framework to improve animal welfare and human well-being

(Romina) #1

76 Section 5

I have sown my crops with all sorts of plants like quilt, camito, ishpingu and
pacay. All sorts of animals come around to eat. The satin pig, and the
huangana eat from the hearts of palm. Also, armadillos, guantas and guatusas,
they all get together to eat from the hearts of palm. Birds like toucans, turkey
hens, carunsi, cuisine and paujil.

Another important concept is the Sumak Yacu:
Sumak Yacu refers to the biodiversity of all animals that inhabit the waters. It’s a
river full of lives, or Kawsac Yacu. There are a lot of fish in it, like big catfish. There
is also plenty of fish in lakes and streams. It’s the home of truly powerful spirits
that look after fish and allow them to breed regularly.
The province of Pastaza, within the Ecuadorian Amazon Region, contains a
territory named Kawsak Sacha (living forest), which covers 140,000 hectares.


Case Study 18. Continued.

Image credit: Arturo Hortas
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