26 Structure and Function
3.0 2.5 2.0 1. 5 1. 0 0.5^0 (F)
3.0 2.5 2.0 1. 5 1. 0 0.5 0
3 - Markedly Disorganized0 - Organized
3 - Marked2 - Moderate1 - Mild0 - None
2 - Moderately Disorganized1 - Mildly Disorganized
Weeks Post-Repair
Graft Organization
Figure 3.3
H&E staining of the rat reconstructed cranial cruciate ligament graft at 1 week and 7 weeks after surgery. Similar to the dog at 1 week (A) and 2 weeks (B) a
repair, the graft exhibits little cellularity, whereas the interface is cellularly active and inflamed. The graft displays more disorganization and
cellularity by 3 weeks, whereas
the interface becomes less inflamed (C). By 5 weeks, the graft organization is improving while the cell infiltration remains similar to that after 3 weeks (D). The 7-weekreconstructed CrCL shows reduced cell numbers, more organization, and smaller interface as the tendon remodels (E). (F) Graph summarizing graft tis
sue organization and
inflammation post reconstruction. B, bone; IF, interface; G, graft.