Bovine tuberculosis

(Barry) #1

Index 259

serological 161
differentiate infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA)
176, 177, 200, 207, 211, 217
dimycocerosyl phthiocerol family (DIMs) 110
disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) 19
animal 2
autoimmune 194
distribution 59
foot and mouth 2, 35, 53
infectious 68
Johne’s 211
prevention 13
prognosis 193
pulmonary 82
staging 193
wildlife 2
disseminated tuberculosis 22
DIVA (differentiate infected from vaccinated animals)
176, 177, 200, 207, 211, 217
DNA 193, 194
fragmentation 145, 146, 148
vaccines 209
dogs 130
domestic animals 3–4, 8–9, 10 , 13, 16, 63, 80–92
domestic pigs 63
Mycobacterium bovis in 82–84
dourine 2
drug resistance 23, 199
DTH assays 175
Dual-Path Platform VetTB Assay 183

earthworms 99
Ecohealth 238
ecological studies 66
ecology, and health 31
economic losses 13, 19, 35–36, 36 , 38, 81, 87, 106,
191, 211, 226, 249
livestock 33
pigs 82
economics 31–42
One Health 36
ecosystems 32, 99, 101, 207, 238
ecotourism 31
ecotypes 59
education 22, 240
health 36
effector memory T cells 157–158
camels 85, 86
water buffalo 84
elephants 183
elimination, developing countries 37–38
ELISA 181, 183, 196
ELISPOT 157, 181, 182, 210–211
elk 21, 64, 65, 97, 192, 231

empowerment 240
endangered species 99
England, badgers 234, 235
Enterobacteriaceae 251
environmental reservoirs 54, 58
environmental transmission 47–48, 53
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 12
epi-systems 69, 70
epidemiological models 228
epidemiological typing 69
epidemiology 59–61, 61, 248–250
genomic 67
molecular 59–60, 67, 70
Mycobacterium bovis 43–57
eradication 173, 191, 226, 228, 235, 253
Australia 62, 65, 84, 226
France 63–64
Italy 63
New Zealand 62, 65
wildlife 232
eradication programmes 8, 9, 13, 14, 81, 82
Eritrea, camels 85
ethambutol 23
Ethiopia 38, 84, 208, 239
abattoirs 240
extra-pulmonary tuberculosis 24
lesions 86
livestock production 33
meat 21
milk 20, 22
Mycobacterium bovis 64
unmanaged herds 50
Europe 5, 6
annual incidence 6, 8
molecular typing 62–64
European Economic Community (EEC) 3
exported repetitive proteins 110
exports 229
extra-pulmonary tuberculosis 18, 24, 34
Ethiopia 24

fallow deer 96, 133, 133
lesions 133, 133
farmers 38, 46, 80, 229, 230, 231, 237, 249
aerosol infection 21
Uganda 22
farming, agro-pastoral 20
farms 48, 227, 229
cattle 236
fragmentation 60
profitability 58
Fasciola hepatica 162, 163, 250
feed, contaminated 122
ferrets 97
BCG 217
New Zealand 217
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