The Economist Asia Edition – July 27, 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The EconomistJuly 27th 2019 Finance & economics 53

2 domestic demand, as it did during the fi-
nancial crisis, by encouraging businesses
and households to save rather than spend.
In Germany, industrial weakness is
starting to be felt in the labour market. Sec-
ond-quarter profits at basf, the world’s
largest chemicals firm, were down by 47%
compared with a year earlier. The company
plans to cut costs and jobs. According to the
Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Mu-
nich, the number of manufacturers plan-
ning to introduce short-time working over
the next three months is expected to reach
its highest level since 2013. That weakness
could spread: research by Jean Imbs of New
York University Abu Dhabi and Laurent
Pauwels of the University of Sydney Busi-
ness School, presented at the European
Central Bank’s annual conference in June,
finds that services are ever more integrated
across European countries. The bank’s staff
expect geopolitical tensions to weigh on
The central bank, which was due to hold
its monetary-policy meeting on July 25th
as The Economistwent to press, is expected
to indicate further policy loosening. Even
if fears of a trade war fade, it expects do-
mestic demand to lose some of its lustre.
Much of Spain’s sparkle, for example, re-
flects pent-up demand following its deep
crisis, which will level off as the economy
nears capacity and job creation slows. And
yet, by the central bank’s projections, that
recovery is not enough to return euro-zone
inflation to its target of “close to, but be-
low” 2%. More stimulus will be needed if
the bright spots are not to go out. 7

Euro area

Sunny side up

Source:Eurostat *Since2007.ExcludingSlovakia


Cumulative%change,Q42017-Q1 2019





2017 18 19








To t a l


Wholesale and retail trade

Professional services


he southern shrimp alliance, an in-
dustry association based in Florida, is
angling for tariffs. It has tried repeatedly to
have foreign competitors harpooned with
duties. Now some new opportunities have
surfaced. The Department of Commerce is
proposing a rule enabling tariffs on im-
ports from currency manipulators. Crusta-
cean-catchers are keen.
American businesses disgruntled by
what they see as distorted exchange rates
may soon have more weapons at hand.
After weeks of fulmination by President
Donald Trump on Twitter about countries
that keep their currencies artificially weak
to America’s detriment, financial analysts
are speculating that the Treasury might use
its Exchange Stabilisation Fund (esf) to
weaken the dollar. Elizabeth Warren, a
Democratic presidential hopeful, has also
called for the dollar to be managed to pro-
mote exports, referring to proposals by
Fred Bergsten and Joseph Gagnon of the Pe-
terson Institute for International Econom-
ics, a think-tank.
The chatter is odd in one respect: other
countries’ currency manipulation does not
seem to be the reason for the dollar’s
strength. Although an imf report pub-
lished on July 17th said that the dollar was
overvalued by 6-12%, it also said that for-
eign-exchange intervention had been play-
ing “a much more muted role in recent
years”. America’s loose fiscal policy—and
the tighter stance of countries like Ger-
many and the Netherlands—are more obvi-
ous culprits.
However misdirected the current ire,
the multilateral system for restraining cur-
rency manipulation is indeed toothless. In
2007 the imfrefrained from declaring Chi-
na a currency cheat, although it was run-
ning a current-account surplus of 10% of
gdp and buying around $2bn in dollar-de-
nominated assets each business day. Pre-
paring for a future bout of competitive de-
valuation might not be a bad idea.
But the proposals floating around
Washington would be ripe for abuse. The
Commerce Department’s would allow its
officials to declare a country a manipulator
even if the Treasury had not. Companies
seeking an unfair edge over foreign com-
petitors would no doubt lobby hard.
The measures suggested by Mr Bergsten
and Mr Gagnon would grant Mr Trump
huge financial firepower—dangerous, giv-
en his penchant for using whatever weap-

on is to hand to fight his trade wars. They
think the Treasury should be allowed to use
the esfto neutralise currency intervention
by other countries with equal and opposite
purchases, thus deterring the intervention
in the first place. But to be credible it would
need hundreds of billions of dollars at its
disposal. Its current portfolio is around
$95bn, of which $23bn is in dollars.
Moreover, unilateral action might lead
other central banks to retaliate. Mark Sobel,
a former Treasury official who managed
the esf, worries that a currency conflict
might even push the dollar up, if investors
scurried for safety into dollar-denominat-
ed assets. Stephen Englander of Standard
Chartered, a bank, warns American policy-
makers to “think about how you’re going to
feel the morning after”. Intervention
means buying unpopular currencies. Mr
Bergsten and Mr Gagnon argue that their
scheme could make the Treasury money as
undervalued currencies rise. But negative
yields on European and Japanese debt
make losses at least as plausible.
One more reason for caution is the po-
tential for further harming an already-frag-
ile multilateral system. Previous American
administrations considered tariffs on im-
ports from countries manipulating their
currencies, arguing that an artificially
weak exchange rate amounted to an export
subsidy. But they held back, understanding
that such action would break the World
Trade Organisation’s rules. A reversal
would invite legal challenge, and perhaps
retaliatory tariffs. The bellicose Mr Trump,
however, would be unlikely to mind. 7

Defences against competitive devaluation could backfire

Currency manipulation

Fishing expedition

Alternating currency


IMF estimates of real effective exchange rate

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
United States
Euro area

Undervalued Overvalued

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