Diabetic Living Australia – July-August 2019

(Barré) #1

Stay active

Don’t let the cold weather
be an excuse not to move.
After all, exercise is the
fastest way to warm up!
What’s more, research has shown
people who do moderate-intensity
exercise can reduce their risk of
developing a cold by about 50 per
cent and, if they do get sick, the
symptoms are less severe. While it’s
good to get outside for your daily
dose of vitamin D, if the weather
doesn’t permit, there are plenty of
indoor options – check out our cold
weather exercise options (opposite).
If you usually exercise outside, the
key is to have a back-up plan in place!


4 Choose hot

drinks wisely

Hot drinks are more
appealing on a cold
winter’s day, but the
kilojoules can add up
quickly if you aren’t careful

about your choices.
Steer away from hot
chocolate, mochas and
super-sized coffees and
don’t add cream or sugar.
Try alternating or
swapping milky drinks for
green tea or herbal teas.

Exercise is the

fastest way

to warm up!

110 JULY/AUGUST 2019 diabetic living

health check

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