Diabetic Living Australia – July-August 2019

(Barré) #1
When you have diabetes,
you may be focused on
managing your BGLs. But it’s
important to also think about
keeping your heart healthy. Over
time, high BGLs can damage
blood vessels and the nerves that
control them, so people living
with diabetes have an increased
risk of heart disease and stroke,
explains Dr Clyde Yancy, chief of
cardiology at Northwestern
University and a spokesperson
for the American Heart
Association. But, even when you
have diabetes, heart disease isn’t
inevitable, and there’s a lot you
can do to lower your odds, says
Dr Yancy. Focus on these areas
for a healthier heart.

Heart-Healthy Numbers
You probably already know your
HbA1c and what your goal range
should be. But keep an eye on
blood pressure and cholesterol
numbers, too. Diabetes Australia
recommends that people with
diabetes aim for a blood pressure
of under 130/80mmHg, but you
and your doctor might decide a
more accurate target that’s right
for you. They also recommend
keeping triglycerides under
2mmol/L and aiming to keep
HDL cholesterol (the good
kind) over 1mmol/l, as well as
checking your cholesterol levels
at least once a year.

Smart Tweaks To Your Diet
Focusing on increasing heart-
healthy fats and lowering

saturated fat and sodium can help
reduce your risk of heart disease
and stroke. A great way to do this
is to focus on eating more
plant-based foods such as fruits,
vegies, whole grains, legumes and
nuts, and heart-healthy oils such
as olive and canola oil, as well as
eating fewer highly processed
foods. This style of eating not
only protects you against heart
disease, it also can help you
manage your diabetes, especially
when you stick within a kilojoule
range that doesn’t lead to weight
gain, says Jeffrey Mechanick, a
diabetes specialist.
You don’t have to be a gourmet
chef to tweak your eating style.
Simple, small changes such as
eating tuna or salmon twice a
week, snacking on a small
handful of nuts every day, and
keeping an eye on your salt
intake can go a long way. Another
smart tweak is to add more
produce to your meals – the
Australian Dietary Guidelines
recommend 5 servings of veg
and 2 servings of fruit per day.
Consider adding some shredded
carrots or zucchini to your pasta
sauce, or check out our healthy
options from page 18. Want
more guidance? Try following
either the Mediterranean Diet or
the DASH diet, both of which
have been shown to lower the
risk of heart disease.

Get Moving
Staying active improves insulin
sensitivity, lowers BGLs and

boosts overall heart health by
keeping your blood vessels
flexible and strong. This means
not only aiming for regular
exercise, but also trying to move
more throughout your day. The
Australian Exercise Guidelines
recommend accumulating
150-300 minutes of moderate
exercise per week (that’s a
minimum of 30 minutes per day,
five days per week), plus aiming
to get up and move every 30
minutes to avoid prolonged
sitting. If you can’t squeeze in a
full half-hour of exercise at once,
it’s fine to divide it into 10- to
15-minute chunks of activity.
To get started, turn to page 124.

Take The Right Meds
The more often your BGLs are in
a healthy range, the lower your
risk of developing heart disease,
stresses Evan Sisson, a certified
diabetes educator. Consistently
taking your diabetes medications

  • and maintaining a healthy
    lifestyle – will help reduce your
    overall heart disease risk, because
    it helps you manage your BGLs.
    But you may also require other
    heart drugs, such as statin, which
    helps to lower your cholesterol
    levels (and can sometimes also
    lower your triglycerides).
    It’s a good idea to regularly
    review your medication regimen
    with your doctor, because
    there may be new medications
    available that are more effective

  • or less expensive – than the
    ones you’re currently on. ■


Overwhelmed by managing diabetes and caring for

your heart? Focus on these areas for max benefit




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