Diabetic Living Australia – May-June 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Improve your strength, stamina and

balance in just 10 minutes

Being active is at the core
of managing diabetes. But
first, we must be able to move

  • and enjoy doing so! And that’s
    where functional fitness comes
    in. These exercises mimic
    everyday movements to build
    strength, stamina and balance
    for real- world activities you

enjoy. Plus, they promote
stability to prevent injuries,
so you can feel good and
incorporate more movement
into your life (something all of
us could use). Best of all, this
routine takes just 10 minutes
and uses ordinary household
items – no gym required.

Your game plan
PREP Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, and clear your floor
area. Grab a sturdy chair, a pillow and a timer or a stopwatch.
(Keeping an eye on a clock with a second hand also works.)

WORKOUT Start your timer and keep it running as you move
through this workout. For each exercise, do the movement as many
times as you can in the time allotted. For moves 3 and 4, hold the
position for as long as you comfortably can until time’s up. Keep in
mind: more is not always better! Focus on the quality of each movement
and on moving through the full range of motion as best as you can.
Need a break? Take a few breaths and see if you can do a few more
reps or hold the position for a little bit longer until time’s up. After
each exercise, rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next one.

The goal
Aim to do this functional-fitness routine 3-4 times per week. These
movements are a lot like walking – they activate and tone muscles,
but don’t leave them exhausted – so you can do them on most,
if not all, days of the week. Remember, if you have just 10 minutes,
you can fit it into your day.
Free download pdf