Diabetic Living Australia – May-June 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Pilates is often mentioned as a good
form of exercise to get you started,
but what makes it so worthwhile?
Adaptable to every age and fitness
level, pilates is a whole-body workout
inspired by calisthenics, yoga and ballet.
Lengthening and stretching all the major

muscle groups in the body to release
the tension in them, over time pilates
can improve flexibility, strength, balance,
body awareness and concentration. By
adding resistance exercises, your bone
density and muscular and postural
strength are also improved.


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The link between diabetes
and dementia has long been
known, however, this is
largely based around data
collected on type 2 diabetes.
Researchers at the
University of Newcastle’s
Clinical Nutrition Research
Centre, in collaboration
with Curtin University, are
due to investigate whether
this is also the case for type

  1. The hope is for early
    detection, to counteract
    any damage before it
    becomes irreversible.

Spotlight on pilates

more likely to develop
glaucoma, and 60 per cent
more likely to develop
40% cataracts.

Despite having well-trained eye-care
providers across Australia delivering
world-class health care, many people living
with diabetes do not attend regular
examinations, putting themselves at risk.
There are currently 10,000 people here
living with vision-threatening diabetic
retinopathy and it is expected that this
number will double by 2030. Turn to
page 112 for an eye-opening story.


12 MAY/JUNE 2019 diabetic living


your healthy life

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