Diabetic Living Australia – May-June 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
diabetic living MAY/JUNE 2019 133

experience stress through strains
and tears, and improve your
range of motion.

  • Boosts balance and
    coordination, reducing the
    risk of falling both in the
    short- and long-term.

  • Boosts circulation
    through improved
    flexibility in the arteries.
    A study published in the
    journal Heart and Circulatory
    Physiology concluded the
    flexibility gained from toe reaches
    allows the heart to more easily
    pump blood around the body

  • decreasing the risk of cardiac

problems and heart attacks. 5



To^ get^ starte

d^ (if^ you’re^ n

ot^ already^

warm),^ go^ fo

r^ a^ brisk^ wa

lk^ or^ a^ gentle


on^ the^ spot

to^ warm^ yo

ur^ muscles^ u

p,^ then^

take^ a^ seat^ o

n^ the^ floor^ w

ith^ your^ leg

s^ stretched^

out^ in^ front

of^ you^ and^ y

our^ back^ ag

ainst^ the^ wa


or^ the^ back^

of^ the^ sofa.^ W

ith^ a^ straigh

t back,^ lift^ up


your^ spine

) and^ bend^ fo

rward^ from

the^ hips.^ You

r^ back^ shou

ld^ be^ flat,^ no

t curved^ –^

think^ of^ you

r^ body^ like^ a

closing^ flip

  • phone^

(remember^ t

hose?!).^ You

should^ feel^

a^ gentle^

pull^ down^ yo

ur^ hamstrin

gs.^ Through

practising^ t

his^ stretch^ e

very^ day,^

you^ will^ reac

h^ your^ toes^
in^ no^ time!

good advice

*Both products
are exclusive to


All it takes is an extra minute at
each finger prick to get healthy
hands and healthy readings. A study
published in the journal Diabetes
Care found those who failed to take
precautions as simple as washing their
hands with water before taking blood
resulted in falsely elevated readings.
To ensure your readings are accurate,
take the time to clean your hands
with soap and water, or with 24 Daily
Instant Hand Sanitiser* ($9.99/1L) – a
fast-drying, non-sticky formula with
aloe vera and vitamin E. For those
questioning hand sanitiser, a study
published in the Journal of Diabetes
Science and Technology concluded it
does not affect your results – hooray!
After you’ve taken your reading, if
you’re not already in the habit, start
reaching for your moisturiser to keep
your skin hydrated. Dry skin has the
ability to break easily, which creates
an entry for bacteria to easily infect;
and people with diabetes are more
susceptible to this. Try 24 Daily Skin
Lotion* ($12.99/1L) – fragrance
free and suitable
for all skin types

  • to stop dry
    skin before it
    even starts! ■

Free download pdf