Diabetic Living Australia – May-June 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Don’t forget to use the zest! Research
shows consuming citrus zest may
reduce the risk of cancer. You can
buy a few different tools to remove
the zest from your citrus fruit. Some
will give you long, thin, sturdy strips
while others will give you a fine or
coarse grate (depending on which
one you buy). When using a zester
with a fine blade, avoid zesting the
white pith of the fruit as it causes
the zest to be too bitter.

Versatile peel
This medium-size
zest adds flair and
flavour to any dish.
It’s a great topper for
seafood or desserts.

Cocktail attire
Wide, long strips
can be candied for
desserts or used
raw as a cocktail

Secret zest
Stir tiny zest bits
into vinaigrettes
and glazes when
you want flavour
with texture.

Yum! And the zest
adds a healthy touch.
see recipe, page 34 >>

PER SERVE (2) 550kJ,
protein 2g, total
fat 4g (sat. fat 1g),
carbs 22g, fibre 1g,
sodium 41mg

  • Carb exchanges 1½

  • GI estimate high

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