Diabetic Living Australia – March-April 2019

(Nandana) #1

Work all the major muscles in

your body in one 30-minute

workout, designed with all

fitness levels in mind

You don’t need to
have a tonne of time
or equipment available to
tone up everywhere.
We’ve put together a
whole-body routine that
focuses on all the major
muscle groups. Where
possible, each exercise has
two movement patterns, so
you’ll activate muscles that
work together to perform

certain movements. For
example, the crunch and
superman will strengthen
both major core muscle
groups – the abdominals
and lower back – that
stabilise your entire body.
Building strength in both
will help with proper
posture and prevent
things such as back injury.
Let’s get started!




*Looking for exercise equipment – such as yoga mat, resistance
bands, dumbbells – visit your local sports store, like Rebel Sport.
Free download pdf