Diabetic Living Australia – March-April 2019

(Nandana) #1



According to a survey
conducted by RealNetworks
Inc, 64 per cent of men and
women (over the age of 18) play
games as a way to unwind –
53 per cent do so for stress relief
and 42 per cent do so to keep
their minds sharp. And they
have every reason to do so.
Not only do board games
give you a reason to put down
your screen and bond with
loved ones in real time (although
be careful who you play a game
of Monopoly with!), they also
increase memory formation,
critical thinking and your
cognitive skills through
the tactics required to play.
Further reducing the risk
of mental diseases such as
Alzheimer’s and dementia,
playing games also helps to
lower your blood pressure
and reduce stress through the
increased release of endorphins.
What are you waiting for? Dust
off your board games and invite
people over for a game
or two! ➤

Jumping up and down on
a trampoline isn’t just for children!
Bouncing helps to stimulate your
lymphatic system – responsible
for moving lymph (fluid consisting
mainly of white blood cells) to
your lymph nodes, which are
located throughout the body,
including in your armpits, neck
and groin – through the moments
of weightlessness experienced on
rebound. This movement of fluid
picks up and destroys viruses
and germs you may be carrying.
Not only does bouncing improve
this lymphatic circulation, this form
of exercise also helps to lower your
blood pressure, manage your weight
and build stronger bones, and is
exceptionally fun for all!

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