Hang on Tight
Currently, the number one threat to smartphone
users is having the device end up in the wrong
hands, through theft or loss. Your fi rst line of
defense, therefore, is constant vigilance regard-
ing your smartphone’s whereabouts.
Use a Password and
Should your phone get lost or stolen, a good
fi rst layer of protection is a password, an option
many phone users neglect. Choose the strongest
password option available—a passphrase, for
instance, rather than a four-digit code or swipe
pattern. Encryption options vary among mobile
OSes, but when possible, you should encrypt
your storage card as well as your device memory.
Back Up Your Data
Just as with a PC, backing up your smartphone
is important. Regularly synching the device to a
linked computer will do the trick. It’s insurance
against the loss of your phone, corruption of your
OS, or any other event that jeopardizes your data.
Don’t Store Sensitive
The surest way to guard your sensitive data is
to keep it off your smartphone altogether. Mini-
mize the number and/or days of emails you
store on your phone, or better yet, save email
and attachments to a server. Make it a habit to
regularly move or delete anything you wouldn’t
want to share with strangers.
Practice App Awareness
An abundance of apps is both a blessing and a
curse for smartphones—there is no way every
app that makes it to market can be thoroughly
vetted for 100 percent fail-safe security. By
selecting reputable apps, backed by favorable
user reviews, from a trusted source, you can di-
minish the risks. Avoid apps with scant reviews
or that have only recently been uploaded. Also
be cautious when granting an app permissions;
consider the app’s function and what it might
reasonably need access to.
Keep Software/
Firmware Updated
Make sure you are running the latest versions
of your apps, OS, and phone manufacturer
soft ware and fi rmware. This will ensure that
any security holes are patched and your device
is less vulnerable to hacks.
Disable Bluetooth and
Wi-Fi When Not in Use
Unsecured wireless networks can be used
by hackers to either attack your phone or
steal information from it. You can protect
yourself by keeping Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off
when you don’t need them. When wireless
is needed, stick to known Wi-Fi networks
using WPA2 and beware of public networks,
which are sometimes set up by crooks to snare
people’s data.
When using Bluetooth, make sure it’s
in non-discoverable mode to avoid hacks
like “Bluesnarfi ng” (stealing data), “Bluejack-
ing” (sending unsolicited messages), and
“Bluebugging” (listening in on your calls).
Beware of Links and
You’ve long been warned about the risks
of opening strange links and attachments—
particularly those arriving in unsolicited
emails or text messages. All those same
warnings apply to smartphones. And those
warnings also apply to calling unfamiliar
phone numbers received in messages, and
clicking links for app “updates.” You can
ensure the authenticity of an update by
going to the app’s website.
Currently, smartphone malware infections are rare—nothing like
what you see with PCs. But as proliferation of the devices grow,
expect viruses, worms, and trojans to become more of an issue. To
combat these threats, you need third-party software, and if you’re
like the majority of smartphone users, you don’t have it. But even if
malware isn’t a pressing problem at the moment, a security app can
offer other useful benefi ts, such as browsing protection, telephone
and text-message spam blocking, and theft-protection features like
locking down, wiping, or even locating a stolen phone.
You can fi nd mobile security apps by many of the big names in PC
protection. Independent security testing lab AV Comparatives (www.
av-comparatives.org) recently evaluated mobile apps from ESET,
F-Secure, Kaspersky, and Trend Micro and gave them all “Approved”
designations. See the full report at http://bit.ly/cGRySZ.
Add Extra Protection with a Third-Party Security App
It's a lot smaller than your
desktop PC, but the risks
are just as big