The New Yorker – May 13, 2019

(Joyce) #1




of murdering her mother. Gopnik rec-
ognizes, as the Tennessee Supreme Court
found in overturning the conviction, that
Noura was the victim of a pattern of
misconduct by the district attorney. Nev-
ertheless, he elides the fact that uniden-
tified blood was found at the scene, and
construes inconsistencies in Noura’s de-
scription of the night her mother was
killed as evidence of her guilt. With tragic
irony, a book review promoting compas-
sion in our criminal-justice system leaves
as collateral damage the reputation of a
young woman who has suffered unimag-
inable trauma. In this regard, Gopnik
perpetuates the jaundiced prosecutorial
misconduct he seeks to denounce.
Bryce Benjet
Senior Staff Attorney
Innocence Project
New York City

Reading Paul Elie’s piece on the Cath-
olic Church’s sexual-abuse scandal, I was
struck by the claim that “the gravest pe-
riod of priestly sexual abuse was the six-
ties and seventies” (“Acts of Penance,”
April 15th). As a child-abuse pediatrician
who has been practicing for thirty years,
I have witnessed society’s growing rec-
ognition of the problem. Only after the
women’s movement of the seventies and
eighties were people—first adult women,
and then children—asked about their
victimization. A flood of disclosures fol-
lowed, which continues to this day. The
notion that sexual abuse by priests started
or peaked during a particular period is
myopic. In all likelihood, the increasing
numbers of priestly-abuse disclosures in
recent years simply indicate that victims
finally feel they have permission to speak
and be believed.
Lawrence R. Ricci, M.D.
South Portland, Maine


John Seabrook commendably charts the
many challenges of using A.I. in farm-
ing, and also the potential advantages
(“Machine Hands,” April 15th). One sig-
nificant benefit, which the article only
briefly mentions, is that advanced farm-
ing techniques could slow the effects of
climate change. Agriculture produces
around a quarter of the world’s green-
house-gas emissions, and yet it is often
neglected in debates about how to com-
bat global warming. Greater investment
in research and development is critical
for finding ways to feed a growing pop-
ulation on a hotter planet.
Joe Cerrell
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
London, England

Adam Gopnik, in his review of Emily
Bazelon’s “Charged,” surveys a set of new
books that humanize the millions of
people imprisoned in the U.S. (Books,
April 15th). Recent public discourse about
the harms of incarceration echoes prin-
ciples espoused by our Founding Fa-
thers, who saw compassion for prison-
ers as a fundamental value. In May, 1787,
Benjamin Rush brought together civic
leaders, including Benjamin Franklin,
to form what is now the Pennsylvania
Prison Society, an organization based on
the premise that “the obligations of be-
nevolence” are “not cancelled by the fol-
lies or crimes of our fellow creatures.”
Rush’s emphasis on the humanity of
those in prison, and on the importance
of finding ways to restore prisoners to
“lives of virtue and happiness”—no mat-
ter how severe their crime—is a signifi-
cant antecedent to today’s anti-incar-
ceration movement.
Claire Shubik-Richards
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Prison Society
Philadelphia, Pa.

Gopnik’s otherwise thoughtful review
casts doubt on the innocence of my cli-
ent Noura Jackson, who was convicted

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