Guide to Wellness – July 2019

(singke) #1

P. 78 P. 26

3 Update
The health benefits of
avocados, how hugs can
help, why you might
not need multi vitamins,
and more.

6 What We’re Testing
in Our Labs
Our experts’ picks for the
best new products, from
bike helmets to air fryers.

8 Healing Foods
Everyday foods such as
bananas and tea can help
treat a range of ailments.
Here’s what to eat to
feel better.

11 Keeping Antibiotics
off the Menu
Love burgers? Our latest
report guides you to the
restaurants with the best
practices for serving beef
raised without antibiotics.

14 Was It Something
You Ate?
Food allergies can make you
miserable —or even be fatal.
Learn how to tell the differ-
ence between an allergy and
an intolerance, and how to
protect yourself.

17 Let the Sunshine In
Avoiding skin cancer
is impor tant, but sunlight has
positive effects that every-
one needs. Here’s what to
know to stay safe in the sun.

20 Best and Safest Ways
to Relieve Pain
Use this guide to find the
right treatments for back
pain, knee pain, joint pain,
and more.

22 When Meds Mess
With Mood
Feeling depressed? It’s pos-
sible your medication is to
blame. Check this list of
prime offenders, and find
out what you can do to avoid
this side effect.

84 Flavor Boost!
Try adding these herbs and
spices instead of salt for
healthier, tastier meals.

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Contents July 2019

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