compared to the feats of Eyre. It wasn't easy
driving, it must have been hell on foot. From
here, the end was close, a few days away and
we expected to start seeing signs of humanity
other than those of the early pioneers.
Bilbunya Dunes are well known, well
explored and easy to access via Nuytsland.
We shot our remaining footage while Brad
did his best to crest the tallest dune in his
UTV. He didn’t make it up, the gradient and
length of the ascent too long and hard for
even his dedicated offroad toy. We set up
camp between the dunes again, this time with
Breaking camp late in the day meant a short
period in the drivers’ seat but still an epic one.
From here, a blast back through the lower
sections of Nuytsland opens out onto salt
lakes skimming past Wattle Camp, a spot we
heard was worth a look.
We stopped at the Telegraph Station ruins
near Isralite Bay. It boggles the mind to
imagine what the buildings were like at their
peak. Today they are a skeleton of sandstone
bricks and patchwork floorboards.
Point Malcolm was to be our next and last
stop before Esperance. Marking the western
mostpointintheBight,it wasa relieving
moment for the team but at the same time,
not the end. We still had the bulk of Cape Arid
National Park to traverse plus a drive past the
popular Cape Le Grand. We had managed
1600-odd km but still had a bit to go.
Cape Arid felt like a busy metro after our
days bush, even if we only saw a few other
travellers. Our dusty eyes, the greasy dirty
look of our clothes and no doubt our smell
must have been a sight to them but to us it was
the same. These people were different to us.
We had to see Cape Le Grand but were a day
behind schedule and had to drop our camera
home before heading to the National Park
for a night. Quick tip: book online months in
advance. We were lucky but the bulk of drive-
up travellers are turned away.
Cape Le Grand has outstanding amenities,
hiking, beaches and vistas but also
tourists, flocks of them Instagramming
and hashtagging. It is hard to judge people
for being so blown away with the region’s
beauty but for us, it felt a bit deflating, we
had conquered the Bight and followed in
the steps of some of our most adventurous
early pioneers only to arrive in a polished,
commercially-orientated area.
Will we find an adventure like this again?
Great Australian
ABOVE There were no mutinies within this adventurous Bight crew
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