Motorcycle Mojo – July 2019

(avery) #1


just about the best conditions in which

to test the bike.

On drenched, waterlogged pave-

ment, I rode the Niken through corners

at what would have been an aggressive

pace in dry conditions on a motorcycle.

I trail-braked hard into tight turns and

leaned at angles that normally would

have caused a motorcycle’s front end

to tuck into disaster. I hammered the

front brake mid-turn, just to see when

this thing had had enough and booted

me off the seat. Well, it didn’t. I didn’t

really try anything dangerous or

attempt to crash the Niken, but I did

push it harder than I have any motorcy-

cle on wet pavement, and it rallied on

without a wiggle.

things to test the Niken’s aptitude to

change direction that would have had

a conventional bike bucking me off the

saddle in disgust. I rode the Niken in

a way that went against my natural

instincts as an experienced rider, and

yet it carried on without protest.

Wet Weather Friend

California usually is temperate, even

during winter, but the forecast called

for highs of 10 C, overcast skies and

lots of rain during the Niken’s two-day

press test. As it turned out those were


The front of the Niken GT has a lot of moving parts,

but its design isolates bumps between the two front

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