TimeOut Dubai Kids – June 2019

(Grace) #1

Health & Wellbeing

Time Out UAE Kids June 2019 59

“Mothers are


they have


to counter a culture of perfect parenting by

documenting realities through a uniquely
honest lens, prompting a more open and

candid conversation around parenthood that
inspires self-belief in parents.

“There was very little social media a few
years ago. Hence, we didn’t feel the pressure

to take pictures and use them to update

everyone as our worlds were smaller, our
contacts people we would see each day

and our immediate families were closer in
distance too,” says De Scally.

#ThisisParenthood has launched with a

documentary screening at Al Jalila Cultural
Centre for Children, Dubai. The film, which

carries the project’s name, consists of a
collection of real narratives with parents in

their first year of being mums and dad.
“Mothers are superheroes, they have

superpowers. They grow and feed babies.

More seriously, the best way for mums to be
allowed to breathe is to stop encouraging a

perfect look or idea of parenting, to speak
up about the reality of how hard it is to

breastfeed and how tired you are as a parent.

It’s even posting that real 2am photo so
people can see the truth,” says De Scally.

“To ensure we have better community
circles supporting mothers and helping them

through these amazing, but really emotional
vulnerable times, us women need to ensure

that we never judge each other, but rather

that we build each other up,” she adds.
The stories captured in the 16-minute

documentary aim to portray real parenting like
never before, talking openly about the highs

and lows of the parenthood journey.
In partnership with mums, dads and

BAFTA-nominated director Lucy Cohen,

#ThisIsParenthood aims to normalise more
open, honest conversations and inspire self-

belief in parents from the UAE and worldwide.
“Life was very real as those we loved were

involved in our lives and nothing could truly be
hidden. Today, we’re constantly sharing our

lives via social media so that the people we

love who are far away feel that they’re a part
of our day to day. We would really not want

anyone to be concerned – so we avoid being
real,” she adds.

For De Scally, the project marks the
beginning of change, and will encourage

mums to seek support whenever things

become a bit too tough.
“Prepare well before your birth, know your

community resources. Start to engage those
resources during pregnancy and build new

circles of friends that will have kids around
the same time. Once

baby is born, make

sure you go out to
places where you

can get help,” she
advises mums.

“You’re enough
and your child will

always love you.”

O For more on


A community for mums

who are feeling the


You’ll meet other

mums and find
support, and useful

resources too

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