Volkswagen Camper & Commercial – May 2019

(ff) #1

This months recipe isn’t a recipe
at all, it’s just a clever idea. It’s
also the first time that I’ve re-
hashed something that I’ve written
before. I was speaking recently
with Alan Hayward, from our sister
magazine VW Bus. I mentioned
this little box of tricks, and that I
had been criticised for the article’s
simplicity by our graphics bloke at
the time. Alan however, is a fine
cove and despite his propensity for
complexity, a proper camper. He’d
not seen it before, and enthused
about what a great idea it was.
Essentially then, here’s a re-run
of issue 88, but with some support
from a shaven headed bloke in
a big T5 and some exciting new
photographs & words; At the
beginning of the new camping
season, an apposite solution to
the great early morning breakfast


QGas bottle,
QTiny Windbreak,
QTea spoon,
QEasy Coffee Sachets.

I appreciate that this is far from the
world’s finest breakfast. But first
thing in the morning, the ability
to be able to emerge from within
the confines of the bay. Without
waking, or God forbid, rolling the
fair wife over to access the sugar...
Then rolling her back to get at the
The means to simply scoop
everything up and step outside. To
be able to sit quietly and brew up in
the bright early morning sunshine,
is worth its weight in gold.
This then is my breakfast box.

Yours may be different. It’s possible
to include tea bags & some sort
of creamer or long life croissants
and small sachets of butter &
marmalade. I am happy just to
crawl out with the dog and make
myself a half decent mug of coffee.
Like a hobbit, this will keep me
going until I can enjoy my second,
proper breakfast which is obviously
a more substantial affair. With
freshly ground coffee beans, cured
meats and the company of a fine
woman who has benefitted from
her lie in. BAREFOOT CHEF^53

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