Volkswagen Camper & Commercial – May 2019

(ff) #1


Club Profile

ich Coxhill is the
founder of the
Wolfsburg Bus Crew,
he picked the term
Crew rather than Club to signify
it was for like-minded people who
appreciated and were passionate
about VW campers. The club was
formed in September 2015. At the
time he’d been a member of a VW
club and him and his daughter, and
his Bay, had just returned from
their first ever club meeting; but
they were the only people who
actually turned up, everybody
else was put off by the rain!
Rich’s solution, to prevent being
disappointed again, was to start his
own club.
He already had some solid
experience of organising things
because he used to be in a band,
and also arranged Burlesque nights

for several years! “I already knew
of at least 8 suitable buses in my
local area around Ealing and I’ve
got a good memory for where I’ve
seen Bays and Splits parked up,”
explained Rich. He printed some
f lyers and started recruiting, then
set up a FB page. “I only accept
people into the club (oops sorry,



Wolfsburg Bus Crew

crew) if they own either a Split
Screen, Bay or T3,” he pointed out.
Although he’s got nothing against
a T4/5/6, or indeed a Beetle, he
wants to keep his crew focused
on the earlier Campers; though of
course some members might also
own newer VWs too. Although the
club started as a local London-ish

The fact that over 50 members of the Wolfsburg Bus

Crew brought their buses along specially for this club profile shoot

shows how lively and enthusiastic this group of bus lovers is ...


  1. Rainbow Nation

  2. Astro turf covered
    Bay – not something
    you see every day!

  3. A seemingly
    endless line of VWs
    pouring into
    Wendover Woods

  4. Hardcore:
    cooking on an
    Enders stove!

  5. The best seat in
    the house?

  6. Stance and patina
    are what this bus is
    all about



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