Volkswagen Camper & Commercial – May 2019

(ff) #1


he forecast leading up to
the event had predicted
continuous rain. However,
a storm blew in, as they
so often do, Friday evening. I had
hoped that the rain would have
passed on through Long Beach
California before the designated 6
am start time for the OCTO meet.
Alas, it was not to be!
Peering through the rain-streaked
windshield on my way across SO
CAL I still had my fingers (and toes!)
crossed that if I dilly-dallied long
enough the storm would dissipate
and leave us with the sunny car
show we had all planned for. But
as I paid my entrance dues the
rain continued to fall. As I got out
my camera and donned my warm
hoodie the rain continued to fall.
As I sloshed through puddles in
the parking lot of the Long Beach
Veteran’s Memorial Stadium the
rain continued to...well you get the
idea! This fall the OCTO meet was
a sea of umbrellas! The umbrellas
were a colorful accompaniment to
the less numerous than usual sea
of Volkswagen Buses, though there
were still plenty of VW Buses out


It is always sunny in Southern California;
except for during the O.C.T.O. VW Bus meet this Fall!

there. Volkswagen folks are not
afraid of a little rain! There were
a good few rows of split window
Buses, plus more in the swap area.
I do not have an exact count, but in
my opinion, compared to the last
few October OCTO meets I have
personally attended I would give
a rough estimate of attendance
hovering around the fifty percent
mark. Considering that the rain did
not stop once for the three hours
I was there I think that was a fair
The Orange County Transporters
Organization has been putting on
these Bus meets for as long as I
can remember. They have changed
locations a few times but the parking
lot of the Veteran’s Memorial
Stadium has become the meet’s
home over that last few years and
it has proven itself to be a quality
location. There were still plenty
of swappers selling their parts and
odds and ends. I watched as the
lucky folks filed past me with door
panels and roof racks, tyres and
rims, and of course the OCTO 2018
year show T-shirts. Many of the
veteran sellers had easy-up canopies

to keep themselves and their parts
dry under. Did a larger canopy equal
larger sales on this rainy Saturday?
I don’t know for certain but I would
imagine it would at least increase
the potential buyers to stop and
enjoy the pitter-patter of the rain
falling onto the canopy roof and
not their heads! The show boasts a
rain-or-shine policy and today it was
put to the test by a constant light
shower. It was heartening to see so
many Buses pulling in despite the
precipitation! You can’t keep a VW
Bus enthusiast down with a little
rain! Even in mostly sunny Southern
California! Hopefully, the February
OCTO weather will be back to the
sunny day we all know and love!

1: Rain and safaris
don’t mix
2: Unrestored or
restored – a Deluxe is
still King
3: A Kemperink is a
great parts hauler
4: Stickered double
door panel van
5: A bit of rain does
not deter a parts
6: Despite the
weather there were
still lots of used parts
to be found
7: High Top and
Hurst bumpers –

Rain Did Not

Stop Play!



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