Cardmaking Stamping & Papercraft – April 01, 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


1 Fold 10, 140mm x 235mm panels of white card in half and
arrange half of them on your work surface in portrait-
orientation and the other half in landscape.
2 Cover each card front with reversed watercolour or reversed
mini fl owers paper 133mm x 113mm – tear them to size with
a ruler to get a slightly rough edge.
3 Trim the robot fi lmstrips, montages and photochips, and
arrange them on the cards, referring to the photographs for
placement and layering the mid-sized ones on the alternating
colour paper, leaving 5mm borders.

4 Cut the wordstrips out and affi x one per card as shown.
5 Embellish with ribbon – you can knot it around the spine, tie
it in separate bows and tape them in place, fold small pieces
into tabs or affi x some in a series of short fl at strips.
6 Decorate small silver washers with rhinestones and tape
them to the cards.
7 Embellish further with assorted brads or by scattering
rhinestones over the papers.

idea Raid the shed for items
like metal washers and
turn them into robot


Use one, two or a group of six
collage images to give variety
in your compositions.
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