AIPP Journal – April 2019

(coco) #1

Lumix S1/S1R Full-Frame

Is it time for professionals to go mirrorless? If so, Panasonic has released
two full-frame models sporting a Leica lens mount and a brilliant
viewfinder. Which one is right for you? By Peter Eastway

The first question many readers will ask is, would
I sell my current camera system and purchase a
new Lumix S1 or S1R system?
It’s not a bad time to ask because if you’re
shooting Canon or Nikon, which probably
accounts for three quarters of the market, it’s
something you’re already asking as the new
mirrorless models are ushered in.
When Canon introduces a new camera
model, it’s a big decision for a Nikon shooter
to sell up his or her existing gear and invest in
a Canon because it isn’t just a camera you’re
changing, but lenses and flash guns as well.
What might be a $1000 to $2000 investment for
the camera body can quickly balloon to many
thousands for a system. So, generally speaking,
photographers don’t change brands just for a
new camera.
However, both Canon and Nikon’s new
mirrorless cameras also sport new lens mounts
for a new system of lenses, so if you’re intending
to turn mirrorless with Canon or Nikon, then
you may end up buying a completely new set
of lenses as well, at least over the next few years.
Yes, you can use existing lenses with an adapter,

but pressure will be gently applied to upgrade
to new optics specifically designed for the new
full-frame mirrorless cameras.
So if you find yourself in this position, why
not switch to Lumix instead of a new Canon or
Nikon? The cost differential might not be such
an issue, so what does Lumix offer that Canon
and Nikon do not? It’s not a question we will
answer for you because we all use our cameras
somewhat differently, but we can certainly
report on what the new Lumix full-frame
mirrorless cameras offer.

Some commentators note that the new
mirrorless cameras from Canon, Nikon and
Panasonic Lumix are first generation, which
is and isn’t true. All three manufacturers have
produced mirrorless cameras before but,
importantly in Panasonic’s case, its previous
mirrorless cameras have been incredibly
successful and have evolved over more than a
decade. So yes, the Lumix S1 and S1R are first
generation ‘full-frame’ cameras for Lumix, but
they are far from first generation mirrorless


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