PassageMaker - July 2018

(lily) #1


Urk is a Dutch town with a long history. For centuries it was
based on an island in the Zuiderzee, a large inlet that divided
northern Holland. It was the epicenter of the Dutch fishing
industry, as fishing boats headed back from a day on the North
Sea laden with the day’s catch to sell in local markets. Then,
some 90 years ago, a long dike was built across the entrance to
the Zuiderzee and the land was reclaimed. Urk was no longer an
island, and it was no longer directly connected to the sea.
Still the town has retained its heritage of seamanship, and
Urk’s legacy of innovation has kept the town at the forefront of
the fishing industry. It was this enduring tradition that inspired
Johan Hartman, owner of Hartman Yachts, to create something
new when he wanted a yacht for his own. So was born the
Livingstone range of motor yachts. A refined, stylish trawler
yacht designed for long-range cruising in considerable comfort,
the Livingstone is a brilliant family trawler.
The hull is constructed from steel, which is still the number
one building material in the Netherlands. And it is a tribute to the
skill of the cutters and welders that this round bilge hull has been
beautifully formed. The bow is nearly vertical while at the stern
there is a rounded transom that drops down to the propeller
aperture and a deep skeg in classic seaworthy style. The frames
supporting the bulwarks forward have been left exposed so that
the quality of construction is in public view.
The hull is quite beautiful, but what grabs your attention first
is the upright style of this yacht. The two masts are upright, the
wheelhouse windows are vertical, and even the funnel on this
boat stands up straight. (The funnel is not a dry stack and is there
purely for style.) The Livingstone was set in dramatic contrast
in style to the fishing boats we passed as we headed into the
North Sea. But when you look closely at the detail of this fine

yacht, you realize that there is a strong practical element to every
feature—form and function living happily side by side.

Livingstone Innovations
Hidden from view are many of the more practical features of the
Livingstone, such as the innovative alternative anchoring system.
At the bow there is a pair of polished stainless steel anchors that
were specially fabricated for this yacht because nothing suitable
was available on the market. However, to save condemning these
works of art to a life in the mud or sand of the seabed, there is
an alternative system similar to that used on dredgers. Two spud
poles can be lowered, digging into the seabed to hold the yacht
firmly in the chosen location.
One of these spud poles is located in a tube in the engine
compartment and the other is right forward. Anchored fore and aft,
the yacht cannot move an inch. Of course, you must have calm water
to use this mooring system because there is virtually no flexibility for
the yacht to move once firmly anchored in place. And you wouldn’t
want much rise and fall of the tide either. But you could use the poles
to moor quayside instead of sending out mooring lines.
Another innovation is the large battery pack that is located
in the lazarette. There is enough power stored here to run the
whole domestic load overnight, including the air conditioning,
so that you do not need to run the generator at night. The main
engine is fitted with a pair of high-capacity alternators so the
battery charge can be quickly restored once you get underway.
A diesel-powered generator can perform a duplicate function.
The main engine is a 345-horsepower MAN six-cylinder
unit that looks positively tiny in the spacious engine room,
and everything can be easily accessed for servicing. Reflecting
Hartman’s workboat and shipping experience, the heat exchanger

Below: The contemporary saloon is customizable to each owner’s taste. (Opposite Page) Top Left: The owner’s stateroom is one of four cabins
on the vessel. Top Right: The helm and heads-up displays are well arranged, but the helm wheel is missing that ship-like size and appeal.
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